Guided Through Tumultuous Times
Jan 02, 2022
The Council of Twelve
“Greetings and radiant blessings from the Realms of Light. We greet your heart and encourage it to keep opening, even in the midst of the chaos of these times. Open-hearted loving is called for now – meeting everyone, no matter what their persuasions, with unconditional love.
What is going to happen here? So many widely differing “truths” and so much media-induced fear.
From our view beyond reality, we see possibilities of a great awakening, of many evolving to an inner-directness that allows them to find the beat of their own drummer. Already many have left former employ to pursue their true interests, many businesses started, creative dreams actualized.
What kind of world do you want to live in? If it has happiness in it, stop all news input now! What were once investigative reporters have become one-sided opinion makers. Use the time to watch inspiring, spiritually uplifting podcasts, take workshops to uplevel your skills, join support groups of people evolving solutions. Where you put your focus is what you see.
Thoughts do create reality so your responsibility (we would call it) is to bring the power of your focus and your attention, your thoughts and your prayers, to the kinds of realities you want to live in. Charles Eisenstein calls it “the world your heart knows is possible.”
You want a lighter, more loving, fun, and healthy reality? Add rest, play, meditation, exquisite self-care of body, mind, and energy field to your life. Call in people who live in love, from their hearts, and release those who bring you down. Limit time even with family members who do not resonate with happier ways of being. Release judgments and believing their judgments of you. Realize people who stay in their judging mind are creating their own misery and don’t join them. Keep your own council.
Ask these questions often throughout the day: “What am I feeling right now?” “What do I need?”
Rather than being selfish, that’s being self-reliable. As you take care of your needs, set boundaries, and speak your truth, others are set free from needing to guess or to take care of you. Only you can gain sovereignty over your life – let others choose for themselves – love, accept, and perhaps distance.
Do you want a world controlled by mandates or a world where humans learn to operate with strong immune systems and in harmony with nature? If the latter, cultivate a deep relationship with your body and it’s needs, your gut biome needs, what balances your systems.
It’s time to stop fighting the other kingdoms – viruses, bacteria, etc. Vaccines and pharmacologicals only make them stronger, causing mutations. Your mind might quote science, yet we know any viewpoint can be proven “right” by studies designed to do so. Consider expanding the range of your research.
The Councils of Light have studied all sides of these multi-faceted affairs, so complex. We’re taking the unprecedented step of sharing the best resources in an attachment – only open if you wish. It has valuable protocols for treating this virus and for rebalancing your body if vaccinated.
Credible research shows ways to treat this difficult illness that restore health quickly for most people. If you open your mind, you may find truths that have been withheld from you. We have no need for you to change any opinions. Opinions are of the mind, which serves better when open to broad input.
What we do know is: when you only have two options, there is a need to proliferate options. Beyond right/ wrong, vacced/ unvacced, liberal/ conservative and all binary divides, there is a field where all truths have merit and meetings have promise.
Many desire to see behind the curtain. Who or what is running this show? And to what purpose? Why jump to forced vaccinations over a “variant” similar to a bad cold for most? Get curious anew.
Seek the unitive truth and focus there – what do we all want? Inner peace, feeling safe in our bodies and our communities, giving and receiving love, health, compassion, joy, inspiration. Devote your free energies to enhancing those qualities and sharing them with all you know. Be part of the solution restoring these healthier states of mind.
Learn to enhance brain chemicals that create higher emotional and mental states, and stabilize mood. Friend time, playing with pets or children, holding hands, massage, giving compliments, and touch increase ocytocin, the feel-good chemical that produces connection and trust. Dopamine comes from completing tasks, participating in self-care, healthy food, celebrating wins, surmounting obstacles, so engage in healthy challenges. It increases motivation. Endorphins increase from laughter, crying, eating spicy foods, new exercises, dark chocolate.
increase serotonin so your brain’s synapses work better by walking in nature, running, swimming, cycling, success, praise, and acknowledgement. Deep outbreaths balance the parasympathetic nervous system, enhanced by singing, chanting, sounding, gargling, and nonsense sounds (all long outbreaths).
Can we predict what’s going to happen? No. We always see multiple realities, and often various sets of people choosing different ones of those.
Fearful people might see further lockdowns, governments taking over health freedom, some even fear arrests of unvaccinated. Those scenarios are highly unlikely, given the cacophony of prayers that have gone up and how they’ve mobilized Ascended Beings and angelic forces. Prayers give permission to us and that martials spiritual resources.
Nearly a third of people in the world have chosen health freedom over vaccinations. For perspective since roughly half of US citizens vote, most officials get elected by 1/4th of the people. There is a lot of power in minorities when organized. Truly credible information is leaking into the mainstream, as you’ll see if you open the attachment. Big changes are afoot in the common narrative.
Quantum physics tells us that consciousness is the foundation of all change. It originates in the field, not in the brain and streams through neural pathways, forming the hologram of what we perceive. As we access higher states of consciousness, we move beyond binary into the quantum state of infinite possibilities.
Meg Benedicte says it well:
“The unification process of the particle and the wave ensures an upleveling into the quantum state of infinite potential outcomes. Through the merging of human ego and Soul presence (particle/wave), we transcend the lower dimensional binary program and expand into quantum possibilities. We unlock from the 3D/4D Matrix virtual reality and encompass the vast field of all timelines. We begin to see through the ‘eyes of the Soul’. It is here that the New Earth Timeline awaits us!”
We can tell you this: in most realities, we see a great upswing of people claiming freedom from being controlled. Multiple working solutions evolving and suppressed ones getting known. We see more unity and more people discerning for themselves what they take as truth. Add your vote through your attention, prayers, and love for a world liberated from this feardemic. It takes all of us to turn a ship this big around!
We got this! Together, we evolve a world we want to live in. Trust, engage, and celebrate.”
~ With deep love, The Council of Twelve, 1/1/22
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