The Importance of the Sabbath
May 09, 2020
I did nothing today.
I’m so proud of myself.
I’d almost forgotten how, but I managed to do nothing today.
I almost began to wonder what was wrong with me that I only wanted to be still and rest. I felt the restlessness of my over-achiever self-wanting to get something accomplished. I reminded her that rest is so important the creation story gives one out of seven days over to it.
We are a society that has forgotten how to rest. We create ever more exciting and engaging ways to play, recreate, and entertain ourselves only to rush around during our “free time” trying to fit everything in.
What about kicking back and doing nothing, staring at the moon, watching the sun set, lying in the hammock with no thought. Give your spirit time to soar free of physical shackles long enough for its renewal.
Doing nothing becomes a bigger challenge each year. Now I must ignore not only unanswered mail, but the e-mail that mounts higher by the hour. Not only unread magazines and books, but the fascinating web sites my friends and colleagues want me to visit.
Never have we had so many claims on our time and resources, so many options of what to do. Resting deeply enough to rejuvenate from our busy lives was never more important, nor harder to do. Uninterrupted, unspoken for time comes at a premium.
Yet we must rest. We must stop and do nothing, let the machinery of our psyches be retooled by spirit. …And after 6 days of creating the universe of universes, She rested. She stopped, admired Her work, said It is Good, and She rested. Let us do the same.
Now, soon, before anything else gets scheduled, schedule a Sabbath or two into your life. Book a vacation with days to do nothing. Its time to reclaim our quiet and inner peace. Rest deeply, letting Spirit handle your life, your affairs. Turn it over and let it go while you rejuvenate.
The world turns without you, and will gain more from your presence once you are rested. Create a peaceful now. Namaste.