My Path of Mysticism
Sep 02, 2021
It was never my goal to become a Mystic.
I began studying religion in college.
While working in my second church, I realized I could feel no sense of "Spirit" there.
It felt more like a business than a holy place.
For years, I had been very active in the Methodist church, as a local, state-wide and regional officer in youth fellowship. Despite this work in the church, I found myself, at 27 years of age, doubting if God even existed.
Shortly after this time, I began dancing with the Sufis and learning more about their traditions.
Attending their Universal Worship Services, I loved that scriptures were read from eight different spiritual traditions (the Bible, Quran, Zoroastrian, Hinduism, Buddhism, and others). In their Zikrs and Dances of Universal Peace, I had profound experiences of "touching the Divine".
In the 1980's, I sat with Pir Vilayet Khan, head of the Sufi order, and discovered the mystical Divine love that led Rumi and Hafiz to wax poetically. When I realized that God could be love, lover, and beloved, I experienced a personal, intimate connection that has become steadfast and served my life ever since.
My appetite grew to sit with as many of the enlightened teachers and gurus as possible. I found such wisdom with each, including Swami Satchidananda, Baba Muktinanda and his successor, known affectionately as Gurumayi. I was not looking for a path to devote myself to so much as I was seeking truth in the places I could find it.
I also spent many weekends with Buddhist teachers like Jack Kornfield and Joanna Macy which helped me gain and embody these deeper understandings of myself.
In 1982, I learned of two direct incarnations of the Divine Mother. I went twice with a lover to Germany for four days each of sitting with Mother Meera, and since have been with her and with Ammachi (the “Kissing Saint”) many times. Sitting within 15 feet of their presence was like sitting in a sanctuary of the most sacred energy. Looking into Mother Meera’s eyes was like looking into the heart of Source itself.
For decades I have attended women’s circles and rituals learning many of the secrets of the Wiccan tradition and of various ways of honoring the Goddess in her many forms. I began leading sacred connecting rituals in 1982.
In 1984 I briefly dated a worship leader in the Sufi order who also studied Baba Muktinanda’s Siddha Yoga path. He asked me if I ever wanted to learn to channel. I said "no"......but something in me quickened and leaped with a joy that I could not dismiss. He said, "wait until you are very, very clear and we’ll talk about it." He’d been given an invocation that would open a path to the Akashic records and that's where my work would begin.
I waited.
I attended deep healing workshops and would rebirth myself. When I spoke with him again, we talked more about channeling. I felt that internal bliss signal return and so we sat together and recited the invocation. First I channeled a guide I knew, but shortly I heard myself say: “We are going to be quiet now while we clear the channel.” I invoked Spirit and prayed for highest good.
As I heard ...'she doesn’t need that belief anymore, she doesn't need that belief...", it felt like they were weeding the garden of my mind. And then, The Council of Twelve came through, crystal clear with information for my teacher/ friend that I couldn’t possibly have spoken myself. This was the start of a 37-year journey of holding space with Ascended Beings and Master Teachers speaking through me to others.
In channeling, I often experience the Mother goddesses - Kali, Durga, Aphrodite, and Divine Mother herself - as the source of the deepest truth and the highest love. I feel as if I’m privy to the teachings of all the world's traditions and find truth in all of them without a need to be devoted to anyone in particular. As a Mystic, my devotion is to truth, to universal the heart of the mystery and that which serves the highest good of all.
I continue to learn, and with The Council, as with some of my Sufi teachers, my explorations take me beyond this planet into the quantum realms and into an understanding of intergalactic intelligence. I feel more a citizen of the Cosmos than of any country. A devotee to the heart of the Divine more than any one expression of spirituality.
When I look back on what led to this fascination with all the world’s paths to wisdom and truth, I remember my father saying,he couldn’t believe that only people following one religion could be allowed into heaven. That if there is a God, it wouldn’t exclude others simply because they lived in a different country or continent, or believed differently. I couldn't agree more and it has been liberating to weave wisdom traditions from Sufism, The Orisha's, Tantra, Buddhism, and Goddesses into the slivers of later religions like Christianity. Love is everywhere.
The Sufis would say, “Toward the One”, and in many ways that is the heart of the journey for me, discovering the One Being in all of creation. What a gift to know that we are created in the image of that One and that divinity dwells within us. There is no place outside of Source. I find comfort in that. I hope you do too. 💜