Our world is coming into a fertile time when we realize gender is not binary. Masculine and feminine are two points on a continuum along which we move throughout our day and our activities. We are more in our Yang side when we’re building and implementing, more in our Yin side when being creative and receiving guidance.
Gender is so fluid for some that they live the whole continuum, changing their look with their mood.  Others prefer expressing a gender different from how their body appears, pe...
We are evolving a new species on this planet, some call homo noeticus—those with all of their means of knowing fully open. Some say, homo luminosity—those who align with their divine light. Your light, your heart, your collaboration with Spirit through prayer and practices allows you to stay in the center of the path of your Soul’s plan. All the resources you need are placed along that path, and the desires of your heart guide you there.
Trust yourself, your whole self, and become deeply presen...
As we learn to sit on our inner seat of power, we begin to realize that having mastery over our mind means choosing where we let it go at any moment. In an ego-based life, the mind runs us in circles with us at effect of its meanderings. The ego uses the past to predict the future, and if we focus on it’s fears and concerns, we lose the now.
In a spirit and heart based life, our mind is a tool and we guide how we wield it. If we want calm, we focus on calming thoughts and ignore others. If we w...
Living as if we are love brings the greatest happiness and inner peace. Living as if we know we are love is living the truth. We are created from Universal Love. We are birthed in Spirit from the heart of love, and when we tune in deeply to the light of Divinity at our core, we return to absolute love.
A soul never needs to leave the realm of love, yet our human minds take us into thoughts that separate us from love. Each negative thought, that we give our attention to, exposes us to even more ...