The Council Of Twelve Channelings
Divine Mother Loves You
I am your Mother. You are my Divine Child, my only Child, for there is only One of Us. We all live within the One Being, we are same, family. You, the Divine Child, and I, your Mother, the Feminine Aspect of God, GODDESS. I am the Trinity in feminine form: Creatrix, Preserver/Destroyer, creating what you pray for, preserving what you envision, destroying what is destructive that you surrender.
Call on me often. Let me call you to your Authentic nature while in the dense shroud of flesh. No one on your world holds full awareness all the time. Entering into matter always carries amnesia, for when you hold continuous memory of being One, the illusions of incarnation cease to exist and you enter the fourth or fifth dimension.
On the fifth, things and belongings, places in space and time become unnecessary as you approach living in the unified state again. You, dear ones, will eventually reside on these higher realms. It’s only a matter of time. From your perspective, time means the years or lifetimes it takes to get there. From Mine, time is the glue that bonds you to the third dimension. Give up the habit of maintaining your life within time, and other dimensions open to you.
The One Being extends aspects of Itself into this third dimensional semi-hellish, semi-Eden world in order to examine Universal Love, Kindness, Patience, Tolerance, Surrender, and Peace. These qualities are so endemic to being Divine that We cannot fully comprehend their grandness, save by grappling with their opposites. We know studying war, hate, rage, and cruelty is extraordinarily unpleasant, and it grows difficult to remember they are only illusion, yet many positive, soul-changing lessons are learned in relation to these plagues.
When Our Essence devolves into matter, its furthest extension is such horror. As that energy reaches and passes bottom, it forms the negative “past lives” you’ve experienced. As it evolves back toward Source, it forms the best of your Soul’s incarnational experiences. You, by reason of finding these words, are advanced in your evolvement so that you are nearly ready to enter the fourth dimension. There the veil thins.
In the fourth dimension, you find yourselves capable of co-creating your reality, mocking up your dreams in substance so you can see the out-picturing of your mind more clearly. You advance through the levels of that plane, each more in touch with your true Divine heritage than the one before.
You have felt the desire to merge, felt it drive you deep into sexuality, the internal desire system WE gave you to remember what Home is like. Sexuality and sensuality carry you beyond your bodies, made dense to shield against the violence of your world. As you open and grow in sensitivity, your body lightens up, and may take on other’s pain and patterns in your frenetic times. If you experience backaches, headaches, joint pain, or stomach upsets, you may be carrying some of the weight of the world.
Give it over to Spirit, to your guides and angels whose chosen task is to assist you, for intra-dimensional work is an exciting role to play in eternity. Give yourself over to Me. Ask Me to hold you and absorb your pain, the aches of being human, the terrible wounds of living in duality where violence cohabits with love, and hate with kindness.
My heart is always available to you, to nurture and sustain you. Ask me to hold you, or your inner Child/ren often, hourly if you like. My heart is always available, so your asking is to help you feel My love. Breathe your pain, your fear, your hurt into My heart. I absorb it into the Light and breathe the sweetest, most nurturing love back to you. With every outbreath you empty the past and Earth’s pain. With every in-breath you Inspire My Love. Let’s breathe together, now.
Divine Mother as channeled through Evalena Rose
April 26, 2001, lst channeling, reissued January 20, 2018
Choosing Parallel Universes
For a simple ticket into a better life call in your future self, one from the most positive possible futures, one who has resolved your issues and is living peacefully, happily, prosperously, in more love and joy. Of course, first ground and set a sacred circle of Light around you, invoke Spirit, ask your space be cleansed and pray for protection and guidance.
Ask your Higher Self and Spiritual Family of Light to bring in the highest possible future and specify the qualities you’d like it to have mastered. Then dialogue with this future self and let it guide you to become it. Continue to envision the qualities you wish to align yourself with, call yourself up to them, ask Spirit to help you release all that prevents becoming those qualities, and you can shift your reality toward this brighter future.
Asking for the highest future is necessary as free will allows for any number of probable futures at any time. By asking to meet your ideal future self, you activate your power to choose among parallel universes. By continuing to envision shifting your inner reality, working with Spirit to create this miracle, you allow movement between these universes. In a sense, you remove your belief from your former way of being and attach your belief to a higher way of perceiving, i.e., living with more self trust, deeper self love, and therefore more trust in the Universe.
It is as if, at a moment of great choice, you are set before a “branching program”, much like how the Mississippi River fans out when it reaches its delta. Like the river, you expect only one path; so you assume where you flow is all that is, but parts of your Soul Essence flows down many corridors. Your consciousness can choose which one it follows and, in consciously directing this choice, you uplevel your experience.
You can only see the branching of realities from a very expanded place, a soul-size view, but you can command the highest possible reality and let its natural course draw you to it. Imagine one of the river’s branches begins to magnetize your “experiencing self” to it. Be thoughtful to take all of yourself along, so you don’t split between two universes. This is not usual, but possible if you are highly dissociated, and could create soul loss if you do not fully will all of yourself into the new reality.
You might think, “Well, what if I don’t want some part of my old dysfunctional self there?”. Understand, your wholeness might be differently arranged in the parallel universe. You want all your energy there since it’s likely to be one in which you are more integrated and further along than you are now in the amazing process of recovering your Authentic Nature.
Imagine that, in moving along through realms of space and time, you get a glimpse of another you riding along parallel to you, but somehow they got a better break than you, or they took the path you missed, maybe going for that relationship, or following an urge to leave sooner. Perhaps their parents chose differently or they called someone into their lives who shifted what they became.
You see them riding alongside and you choose to leap from your vehicle into theirs. In a sense, you vote for their reality with your attention. You say yes to being simpler, less defended, more in Divine order and manifesting more Light, and you join a reality where that is so. We are not saying this a simple process of just affirming a different choice or changing how you desribe your reality, it means divorcing your past. Sometimes even a ritual of divorce or letting go is indicated; whatever sets you free to leap the gap to a more fulfilling way of being you.
It takes diligent attention over a period of time, marshalling and commanding your spiritual energies, and repeatedly choosing to be different, to make a quantum leap from one reality to a juicier one. But it is possible, and what better game is there to play? It will probably take about an hour a day of focused and careful attention, with your spiritual team of guides and angels assisting you, for 7 to 41 days, depending on your tenacity and the state of your current beliefs. Consider a 30 minute morning process, and brief re-affirmations throughout the day, with a 15 minute bedtime visualization of living the new way.
Of course, you could call in less evolved realities, including some with your past who didn’t make it to this creative, growing phase after your long sojourn into unconsciousness. Because parallel universes exist in both the positive and negative directions, always specify the general positive qualities of the one you want. Your highest possible future self then gets to gather more of your soul energy (you) into its channel, and, in our analogy, that branch of the river becomes larger.
Because this work increases the flow in a positive direction, it can shift the balance point in your soul, carrying you into higher expressions of your soul’s plan. Life can seem more exciting and fulfilling, and you may lose old barriers that block your dreams from coming true. The changes can seem very subtle, but then, are you accessing your same “old universe” memory, or are you remembering in a different way with the mind of the parallel reality? So many fascinating questions, and like many answers in realms beyond the dualistic, “some of both are true”.
Enjoy playing in the realms. Many exalted and enlightening experiences await you and many evolved and ascended beings are available to help if you but ask. We love watching your divinity unfold. Namaste and our deep love and respect for you. The Council of Twelve.
Channeled from the Council of Twelve by Evalena Rose
March 2003
Through The Eye Of The Needle
Through the eye of a needle you must go to reach the levels of unfoldment of which you are capable. Your old patterns have taken you as far as they can go. Even your most treasured coping mechanisms and defense strategies must drop away before you can proceed Home.
Through a life of recovering from this era’s dysfunction and of healing karma, you have developed many adaptations and techniques for living, some of which no longer serve. The passage to a life worthy of your dreams allows no baggage.
The next step for you, the advancing consciousness of the race, requires entering as one enters birth: naked and defenseless, ready to meet whatever comes with humility and surrender. You’ve called, invoked, and magicked in a higher reality, now LIVE IN IT. Live it! Live as if your dreams and brightest visions are coming true all around you, and they may appear as suddenly as the Little People do.
Faith and action are what’s needed. When the wave of life carries you forward, its easy to trust the Universe and enjoy your faith. You advance beyond your knowledge and are taken closer to Home than your mind could take you. In the natural ebbs and seeming backward motion, conscious mind and ego try to make something happen, the link with Spirit may be ignored, and struggle abounds. That’s the time for action. Say Gratitudes. Set Intentions. Place your order with the Universe.
Vision the future you want, and imagine living in it as richly and fully as you imagine your favorite sexual fantasy or gorging on dessert. Put your heart and soul in it and see pleasures that come when living in these visions. Become that pleasure, bring it right here now. You never know when a parallel universe might come near enough for you to jump across, so live as if one is a thought away.
Live in your Soul. Your soul knows how to do this, and can help when you open to it repeatedly. Prayer is not for us, the realm of guides and Councils, not even for God who needs not to hear your thoughts to know your totality. Prayer is for you, for building your confidence that someone else is on the job, and together we can carve a good life regardless of the cards you dealt for this life.
Many of you ask: “God/Goddess, how could this happen to me?” or “Why do You allow it?” “Why don’t/ didn’t You stop it?” “What did I do to deserve this?”
She/He, the One Being, responds: “My child, nothing you did or can do deserves any violence against your soul. I never intend anything at all to happen to you, certainly not anything bad. Life’s offerings must be somewhat random for souls to gain the lessons they seek in the difficult job of incarnating. Most of you have been around the wheel too often to need simple lessons, wouldn’t bother repeating any, so only lessons big enough to help you jump into a parallel universe are worth the price you pay. You come to learn you are gods and goddesses yourselves, for what else can you be, Children of My Soul.
No one “deserves” abuse or illness or suffering. All beings deserve to be treated with utmost respect and dignity. Everyone is so treated on inner realms, not so often in this third dimension. The upper realms have chosen to create schools offering lessons in the opposites of Unconditional Love and Infinite Compassion. Earth is one such school, and you’ve been enrolled in one of the lower classes where violence runs amok. You are graduating and may now move to a higher level of study, a parallel earth with lighter lessons. Hence, the eye of the needle.
The realms are all linked and anything your Soul is experiencing in your realm is felt and absorbed by the other levels of your Being. You can link with the Highest and Best of your 5th dimensional and 4th dimensional selves and allow yourself to be supported in finding higher paths through your lessons. These levels of your Being, as well as your Highest and Best Future Self, can open visions showing you portals through which you can move into your more Expanded Self.
Hold prayers to live as your Essence, do visualizations of bringing your Essence Self into your shushumna, your central channel of light, and invoke the name of the One Being when you wish to surrender and release old ways. Ask God/Goddess to dissolve all that blocks your flow and I do. In my vision you are all flow, there is no other. There is nowhere outside God. We are One, and there is Only One Being.”
As you pray, use your words as a meditation, along with your breath, to remember Who You Are and to return to being Oneness. Ask for and intend the highest outcomes. Allow the Oneness to be in you. “God Be Me. Goddess, recreate me in Your Image, as I was always meant to be. Bring me home and bring Home into me.”
You want so to return home. Of course. Earth is denser than most places and experiences you can enter in the Cosmos. But you are there for a reason and your Soul went to a lot of trouble to get you there. Your lessons lie in all you need to release, for the circumstances of your life hold the key to your soul’s plan. They produce the opposite of what you came to manifest and experience. Seeking to understand unconditional love, you drew judgmental, hateful love; to learn about absolute trust, you attracted betrayal.
Nothing wrong has happened to you, for all is part of the curriculum your Soul set out for you, so that a piece of it’s God Knowledge could be further developed. It’s a study. Accept it as such, stop taking it personally, and release every place that resists life. As you meet life with tolerance, it meets you with love. Where you fight it or another, your resistance is met with difficulty. Where there is struggle, look within to see where you are attached to railing against reality, and look for its lesson.
Tolerance, so little understood in chaotic times, is simply meeting everything with “yes”. Look for the good in it. What life dishes up is fodder for growth and fuel to burn away all but the Truth, sometimes through igniting justified anger and ancient rage. The ego pulls you into overwhelm and self-denial so you won’t take this journey. Your soul, and more and more of your spirit, draws you to let go, give it up, and let be whatever is. Suffering comes only from the need to change it.
All must be good (sometimes seen only in the long run) for all comes from My Heart. I am continuously visioning you perfect, my beacon so you will unfailingly find your way home. That is guaranteed. What is left up to you is how many years, or decades, or lifetimes you will take to get Here.
There are no past lives. It is all simultaneous in Me. Your Essence continues to evolve through many planes of existence processing this experience and adding many layers to it. Meanwhile, your Soul lives many lives you’d call past or future. The best is yet to come, but your ticket for a good run through the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions is a life well and fully lived here. You are not the victim, nor the survivor. You are the Godhead becoming Itself in your unraveling. You are Blessed. Namaste!
The Council of Twelve as channeled through Evalena Rose
Self Love - The Universal Remedy
Love is at the heart of healing and emanates most clearly when you live in self-love. Others gain more of your true gifts when you’re in a nurturing relationship with yourself. The seat of self-love is between the heart and solar plexus and when this area is fully open and engaged, it links strength, power, and will from the solar plexus to the heart’s love and compassion.
Self-love is activated by self-care, having routines that center you, ground you, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. It’s when you feel cared for and cherished that you are most capable, most able to actualize yourself, to become the highest expression of God/dess you’re meant to be.
Basic truth: there is only one Being, right? That One Being, however you name It, permeates all, right? Including you? You may put yourself outside God, but who else would you put there? Trust that your core is divinity Itself, and the divine within you knows how to love you. Surrender beliefs you don’t know how and let yourself remember. Practice self-love.
Can you hold yourself? Can you curl up in a ball in front of a fireplace or deep within the covers and rock and soothe the parts of you that need it? Can you parent your scared inner children, be the ground of safety for them? How much are you doing the self-care you’ve promised yourself?
At the bottom of almost every ailment, illness, life crisis, or addiction lays the need to come into a love relationship with self. Shift your inner conversation from shaming, blaming, or berating self or others to compassion and forgiveness. Become the nurturing parent you’ve always deserved.
Reclaim the energy of trying hard to be good enough, of inventing what you think others want, and rest in the knowledge that you are already all you need to be. Divine at your core. All the oddities of your personality, the coping mechanisms that result in weird behavior, even that which sabotages you, is part of your soul’s plan.
When you accept that everything that happens serves a purpose, internal shame dissolves. When you give up self-recrimination, and accept that the journey is just what it’s meant to be, then you can grow into self love and unconditional acceptance, from which comes peace.
New questions want to get asked. Instead of “Can I tolerate this?” or “Must I put up with this?” it’s: “Can I expand to include this?” Focus within your heart and from there hold whatever you feel reactive to and ask “Can I let this be?” “Can my heart expand to simply say yes to what is?” This releases the struggle with life, the effort to change the present moment, the need to control. You get the joy of an opening heart and everyone else gets to be who they are. Ahh! Ease!
When someone requests something of you, the self-loving question is: “What do I want right now? (emphasize “I”). You can likely do what’s asked, you might want to if time allowed, you can see how others would benefit, yet check in with: “Is this mine to do?”. Cherish your time, live from your center and check in with your heart to see if your true response is yes, no, or “I’ll get back to you” (maybe). Maybe allows you to make your choices in meditation and contemplation.
Let their request be about them, rather than make it your obligation. Their preference is not your requirement. It honors them to find your true answer, rather than overgive and then resent. Give yourself permission to always negotiate what works for you, trusting they have resources and can get their needs met, even if you are not meeting them.
Will self-love cure cancer, illness? Not alone, yet it is essential to any successful treatment plan. Auto-immune diseases require healing the thymus, the central gland for the immune system, which resides in the upper heart chakra, right in the center of the chest. Living as a child of the Universe who deserves to be cherished and treasured, opens the thymus to optimal functioning.
Blaming and berating self makes your inner kids feel unloved and wrong, lowers self esteem, and causes your psyche to resort to outdated protective systems. Assume any sub-personality that uses those coping mechanisms is trying to help in some way. Honor them and help them know you no longer need such help, that you want to take care of them now. Breathe and nurture those kids, coax them to be held, to come into your heart and be loved, and you’ll see old habits fade.
Quit trying to fix yourself and open a big heart space to love every age and stage of you. Forgive yourself and others because it sets you free. Forgiveness must, at its heart, be selfish – done because you feel better forgiving, regardless of who deserves what.
Come live in your heart. Take up residence there. Let your Light spiral down your center, and fill your core with your Essence, which magnetizes your energy inward and allows you to release others and the past. Claim your body as your private home, and fill it with your essential nature so you no longer take on energies of others.
Honor that you are the most important person in your Universe, because you are the Godself at its heart. Your life, well-lived, advances the fortunes of all. Please wrap your arms around yourself, imagine our arms join you, and bless yourself. Blessed Be!
~ The Council of Twelve, channeled through Evalena Rose December 20, 2010
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Invoke Your Highest
In these troubled times, filled with great changes and unusual challenges, it is so vital to use your spiritual practices so you may feel sovereign in your life and choose wisely. For years you’ve heard of new, more rarefied energies coming into Earth. A groundswell of change is underway now and you must keep current with it that the waves not overtake you.
An apt analogy, as forward movement is very wavelike, though many feel confused when ebb follows flow, expecting to reach a place where things finally go smoothly forward. In a planet and body that are mostly water, ebbs and flows are native to all affairs. You make progress on a project, feel as if nothing goes right or moves, only to be followed by another surge forward. You sustain great activity in your society’s ever-broadening search for the next frontier, then need great periods of rest and recreation to rejuvenate.
If you learn to expect this fluid, cyclical aspect of nature, then you rest in times of going backward or standing still, ready to ride forward on the next energy wave. You only know when to rest if you do your spiritual practices, giving your spirit, and your Spiritual Family of Light, room to guide you. Regularly remove your focus from the outer and take up residence within if you wish to live a life that fulfills, not just keeps you busy.
As a species transmuting, you need much spiritual guidance and you need to listen often and follow your intuitive view of the best path. Any one can receive guidance by stilling your mind, asking your most loving guides to clear all that keeps you from receiving. You may feel moved to pick up pen and paper and let words flow, or draw images, even design flyers or plans. Some sit with a day planner, meditate and invoke guides to be present, then chart out goals and plan actions. Still others record words that come through. Some go into deep peace and simply find the next hours or days easier with a clearer focus.
You don’t have to believe to let guides and angels work with you. Think about it. No loving God would send a soul to Earth without a backup team. No Creator Goddess would set Her children into this density without assigning guardian angels and guides. It’s too tough without a pre-arranged support system to help you see the bigger picture and save time, energy, and money on false paths. You don’t need to be a channel, just let wisdom funnel into you however you will. The way you’re most comfortable with is your best way.
Every person has not only a third dimensional persona, the one you do daily life from, but also a fourth, fifth, and sixth dimensional nature. As you tap into these on-going realities in your Soul, you will find within your dimensional layers all that you need. We Inner Plane Beings help you come home to working with your own Soul, to gain trust again in your Nature.
Here is an Invocation that will help draw your soul’s highest qualities into your body and psyche, thereby making them available as resources. We recommend using these words, or ones adapted to your belief, every day, especially before a big meeting or session. You want to do what is right, but the answers to what is right or wrong are not the answers you seek. You seek sovereignty so you make all choices from your core in alignment with your Highest, choices that are life-giving and affirming, eliminating choices that add more stress and pressure to an already over-filled life. This Invocation helps you become more sovereign.
The Practice:
Every day, call these higher vibrations into your body with you. These words are more powerful when spoken aloud, even more when paired with movement and undulations, perhaps in front a mirror, perhaps dancing with each aspect as it comes in. You can use your hands to draw each down through your crown and smooth that vibration into your chakras, torso and legs. The subconscious mind changes through ritual and imagery, as these help it align with higher vibrations within your being, the better to live in these new paradigms.
As always begin with invoking light and purifying the space around you, praying for safety and protection. Ask your highest and brightest guides and angels to be with you and help this work be all it can be. Breathe between each invoking, feeling that aspect of your Being and of All That Is flow into you.
The Invocation:
- I call in my Higher Self and ask you to guide me in bringing in the highest and best of my soul, the vibrations that help me live my life in alignment with the Divine Plan.
- I call in my High Priestess Self. Come live in the body with me and elevate my energies to hold the most Light possible. Teach me of my divinity and restore my Faith in Source.
- I call in my Spiritual Warrior Self. Bring in courage and discernment, helping me become impeccable in making choices good for me, the Universe and all concerned.
- I call in my Healer Self. Bring in the highest and best healing skills my soul has ever developed. Heal me, align me with my wholeness, my Soul’s brightest intention for my health and well-being.
- I call in my Sovereign Self. Help me live authentically and allow my soul to play within the safety of our sovereignty. Help me trust myself and elevate my trustworthiness.
- I call in my Sacred Dancer. Come dance the heavens through me and align me with All That Is. I accept the blessing of your Presence and that of all spiritually evolved dancers my Soul is in other realities.
- I call in my Lover archetype and ask you open me to the most wondrous depths and heights of love. Help me learn to receive and emanate love with ease and joyousness.
All this I ask, I command, as it serves the Highest Good of myself, all concerned and the Universe. I ask Goddess to re-create me in Her Image, the Holy Divine Child, perfectly guided and perfectly protected. So Be It. And So It Is. Blessed Be. Ashe!
Be the wondrous High Priestess you know yourSelf to be. When these higher vibrations fill your body, sit down and look at decisions before you. You’ll be able to narrow your choices to what allows your life to flow well. You cannot do everything you are now able to do well! So choose what pleases and pleasures you and simplify your life enough to make room to dance with the Divine. Literally dance and prance and play and exercise a lot — prerequisites, along with rest and good food — for following your highest path. Take very good care of yourself. Blessed Be. Namaste. We love you. The Councils of Light.
Channeled from The Council of Twelve through Evalena Rose
September 2005
Why Would A Soul Choose That?
Ascended Masters often hear questions from those healing abusive and invasive experiences like “Why would my Soul choose this?” and “Why would God let this happen to me?” In cases where the invasion was by a parent or loved one, the inquiry is often a plaintive plea “Tell me how I can believe in a God that lets children get violated.” “How can I trust a soul who would choose rape?”
The answers are simple, yet so hard to comprehend from a limited human perspective. If you believe one life is all there is, you may feel cheated by anything other than that rare happy childhood. Isn’t it a wonder humans find so many ways to shatter a heart or twist a personality? Perhaps God’s plan allows for earth to be a venue into which a Being can project Itself in order to experience duality, separation from God, the opposite of love.
People may not like hearing that the earth plane is a school, that “reality” is an illusion, and that they create this dream that seems so real and out of control. Some leap from “I’m creating this” to shame and self-blame, as if this reality has served no purpose, has been for naught. As if creating your universe is only successful if every creation is “good.” Pretty tough standards to live up to!
Others jump to blaming God. God does not cause what happens to you, nor does He/She prevent it. Free Will means your Being is free to enroll in any courses (lives) in Earth School that achieve its goals. To make sense of difficult lives, one must see the larger context of a soul’s course of study.
Soul journeys often span hundreds of years and each life in a chosen journey forms one lesson in a project of many lessons. For example, a group of souls might collaborate on designing a series of intertwined lives in which they explore the dark sides of love, and what lack of love can create. They take turns being perpetrator and victim, enabler, bystander, and healer. Why, you ask? Love is never more real and vibrant and potent as it is when you return from a long sojourn into its lack.
It is ok in God’s eyes for a group of souls to produce “plays” of violence and death if that is how they set their stage for learning. It is equally ok for a group of souls to develop the capacity to organize their relationships around unconditional love and devotion to truth. The more you apply spiritual practices to everything, the more uplifted your version of reality feels. Meditation, yogic arts, sacred song and dance, and breath practices foster non-attachment and life feels lighter.
Meanings become clearer as a soul progresses through its project of many lives and emerges out the other end healed and whole again, made new by Spirit. Later incarnations in a series may mean a return to enlightenment. This might begin when a person breaks through violence to be the Spirit they are, like witches who attain serenity at the stake, becoming that which cannot be wounded even as their body burns. Lives that follow may require childhood invasions or possessions to reactivate these lessons so they can be assimilated, pushing that life to learn release. Enlightenment becomes possible as one clears traumas and aligns with Source within, becoming one’s eternal self.
Observe that some of your best healers and teachers have suffered years of abuse, often molestation or emotional violence. It cracks them open, makes their core available to Spirit, accessible to deep flows of universal love. Often women and men who’ve been invaded the most and earliest make the most sensitive channels and empathic healers. Severity of abuse requires that self-healing become lifelong. The desire to make life worth living motivates one to discharge past wounds.
A Being (the part of a Soul that creates incarnations) who wants to comprehend equanimity and emotional balance might choose lives of emotional chaos first, as a child of a raging mother, then of a father who is bipolar and borderline, and another of battling alcoholics. One might grow up and add to chaos, another one do the opposite and learn to calm storms and shelter wayward victims.
The fun for the One Being who sets all in motion is the joy of awakening. By the end of a soul’s journey, there is a healing process in which one awakens to the Source within, breaks through the illusion of darkness to become one’s true nature. Victim and perpetrator disappear in the return to Love. Free will allows you to choose love or fear each moment, to believe in what the darkness presents to you, or to become the Light at your core. It’s a lifelong process, not an event.
As you align with your heavenly origin, Source, your eternal soul, you begin to sense that nothing can harm you or take you over without your permission, and you refuse permission. But, many argue, a child or infant doesn’t have the power to choose and we agree. We know that episodes of violation are tragic for the child, and we see Spirit right by the child’s side the whole time helping its Being gain what it wants from the experience, ready at any moment to help shift the dream.
A Being may deal a set of cards to a fledgling incarnation that seem negative or cruel, but it also arranges all the spiritual resources needed to unravel the abuse and develop an exalted existence. The Being knows the personality may avoid and deny enough to devolve into a life of self abuse and addiction. Conversely, prayer, surrender, meditation, self-healing, and work with guidance can open the same person to unfold his/her magnificent authentic self. Everyone has the opportunity to evolve or devolve and each path has its own set of lessons serving the overall lesson plan.
From a big enough perspective, it all makes sense. In eternity, a lifetime is as long as a blink of an eye and most of a Soul’s existence is in the presence of the love that pervades all, spiced by these dips into physical plane reality. All the activity of incarnations, of traveling between causal, astral and physical realms is simply advanced education and entertainment for Beings that span eternity. You cannot be abandoned, for you cannot be where Goddess is not. Return to the Love that created you every moment, every day. Blessed Be. Namaste’
~ The Council of Twelve, as channeled through Evalena Rose, March 30, 2004
Activating Planetary Grid Of Light
We speak to the despair many feel over worsening conditions on your planet. One who is linked to Source is not powerless over outside events, though it may seem so. Where you place your attention is a vote for the reality of your choice. You vote with every thought you indulge, every word you utter, every feeling you feel or repress.
Ancient metaphysical principle: energy follows attention. Western media would draw your attention to sensational and life-destroying aspects of society, while the underground press focuses on what is wrong with world affairs. Both can fuel a downward spiral by describing and sensationalizing it. We support seeking to understand trends of escalating violence, yet focus on discovering causes, not on symptoms. Despair votes for the problems by giving them energy.
The negative you see is the outpicturing of homo sapiens, a species that sees no options. As you evolve into homo noeticus, you open to more expanded ways of knowing, to broader views of reality, new vistas. The front wave of humanity’s evolution is moving beyond the need for violence in order to grow.
The challenge is one of not fighting anything. You do not end something by adding to its thrust with an opposite thrust. Go higher within your Being, to the place that sees all, and allow yourself to grasp the greater purpose of what unfolds before you, how it serves evolution. You can join in resolution by visioning new realities for humanity, by empowering visions of what miraculous change might look like. At any moment a parallel reality might appear, so hold the thoughts and interpretations that fit the reality you choose and empower them with affirmations and ritual.
From a sixth dimensional, Causal, view, parallel realities are like different veils in the time-space continuum, each of which contain fully developed opportunities of how one’s life might be lived. The same incarnation may exist in more than one parallel reality as its Being explores differing responses to the same stimuli. Occasionally, one reality’s sphere of influence touches or overlaps another reality. At such times, you can literally step across to the other, that is, move your point of consciousness from one veil to another. This is the true meaning of exercising free will. It’s an exercise.
When you’ve had a growth spurt, when you heal old patterns and find yourself different, you often have made such a leap. You might feel less connected to or needy of old friends. You may struggle to remember why you got into relationship with your intimate, and need him or her to open further to feel in sync again. A partner who is growing might move into a reality that a partner who resists change does not access, so you feel “worlds apart”. The parallel reality may be one in which one’s role in the other’s life is subtly or even radically changed. If so, one may touch the new reality, yet release it in hopes of bringing the partner there, or may speak the truth and shift the relationship.
Up-leveling the vibration of the Earth is a good way to call a brighter, more light-filled universe into range so you can enter it. A unified field of light has been created by many evolving souls around the world who devote their circles and their meditations to opening doors for Universal Light and Love to bring healing to the planet. Actually, the planet doesn’t need to heal so much as she needs a divergent reality, as do you and others who crave it, in which peace, love, harmony, joy, happiness, pleasure, and loving kindness prevail.
Over the centuries, Earth and her being, Gaia, have been watched over by Ascended Masters and angels who come not to change the world, but to help any who wish to become “not of this world”, to remember they belong to another. Lightworkers for centuries have maintained sacred circles to sustain a flow of radiance to this Earth, and in the 1930’s, sacred geometry was applied to develop a grid of triangles to organize this energy. Prayers and intentions of all who’ve worked the grid add to its vibrancy and capacity to open higher vibrational options.
Before meditating into the grid, ALWAYS set a sacred temple of Light and invoke the Highest. Send your light to link with two of the brightest Lightworkers actively meditating or visualizing any where on the planet (or two friends who agree to meditate at the same time). Imagine your link in consciousness activates triangles around each of you, infusing them with Light, and those activate more until the grid lights up around the globe. Thus a single person can be the cause of energizing and activating the Unified Field of Light. Dream wonderful realities into the grid of light, so each time you meditate, you conjure up another possible way for a grand awakening to happen in the universe you inhabit. Call it into being. Insist on a ride in a more pleasant Universe.
Create a powerful prayer and meditation or use the one below, affirm and visualize the reality you want and trust it is in the offing. Please do this thrice weekly and reiterate the message with a brief prayer, a grace, before every meal.
Father, Mother God, She who created us all, please open a flow of radiance from Your Heart to ours. I call upon my Being to work with angels and archangels to create a Radiant Temple of Light all around me, a crystalline temple of
Sparkling, Radiant Energy. I call upon my Spiritual Family of Light, Beings of Light who love me and have my highest good in their minds and hearts, please come and assist me to activate and energize the Unified Grid of Light around the Earth with great Light and Love, with worldwide harmony and peace.
Imagine a river of light from the Heart of the One Being to your heart. See it as a waterfall of liquid light, sparkling as if in sunshine, washing you clear, cleansing you and your auric field. Then allow that river of light to open you and fill you with radiance, calling in your own Essence nature. Let the Light become a column flowing through your center, linking through your grounding to earth and through your crown to heavenly realms. People in a circle can imagine a radiant column of light through their center with each receiving a stream of light from it, like ribbons from a maypole.
Call in your guides and angels. Invoke many names of the One Being and of Ascended Masters and goddesses you love, specifying the most love-filled, evolved aspect of that being or deity. Ask each: “Help me access the Unified Field of Radiant Light and infuse it with Light and Love from Source. I ask all the realms of light, the realms of illuminated souls, the Devic realms, the archangelic and angelic realms: bring to earth exactly the vibrations and colors and sounds needed to advance the evolution of the species. I ask that in my Universe, the consciousness of this species is uplifted and upleveled, so my loved ones and I live fully in a world of peace and harmony.
“I ask the Nature realms, the fairy kingdoms and elementals to receive these energies and help move me into a reality more aligned with love. I ask my own soul to recalibrate my energies to align me with the brightest future of which I am capable. Help me learn how to live within it and how to say yes to it in every cell of my being, every aspect of my personality. I grant my soul permission to move me toward the heart of peace itself.”
Yes, it will take monumental miracles to create a reality on earth worth living in, so imagine those miracles already accomplished. Vote for your new reality by fervently envisioning it. Focus not on the demise of this reality, for some may choose a shadow world to destroy. Let them have it, as long as you and yours shift to a world that survives and thrives. Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t. Get creative and clever in infusing positive imagery of harmonious, peaceful living into the grid of light.
Gaia is a planetary being, so call in support for her as follows: “I ask a flow of radiance from the Heart of the Universe of Universes, the Center of the Central Source to Gaia, a planetary wide river of Light. May She receive all the rays and vibrations needed to evolve into more peace and harmony.” Imagine a huge planetary size flow of Light emanating from the heart of the Universe, flowing across space and enveloping Earth. See her bathed in an enormous waterfall of light, as you were, cleansed and restored to an awareness of her Light-filled nature.
Your prayers join all those already in the grid making it an engine for change, a vehicle for rising up out of ordinary consciousness and transcending what is thought of as consensual reality. Let the divergence grow, call in the universal qualities you want to live with, and when that universe touches yours, as it will shortly, leap across. You may not fully realize you’ve leapt as the new reality will seem familiar once you are there. You may simply notice you are happy more often. Have a blessed journey. We love you immensely.
The Council of Twelve as channeled through Evalena Rose
November 25, 2002
Empowering Your Intentions
Greetings from the Councils of Light. We are most honored to assist you in manifesting your intentions, especially when you ask clearly and powerfully for what you truly want. It’s not that we care what you have or don’t have, but that by participating in your manifesting, we help you walk more authentically in your power on earth. Before helping, we wait till you clearly ask because we support your development of right use of will and don’t want to take your power.
Intentions come from fertile ground when you first name all that you’re grateful for. Then state your desired intention, in all positive terms, as if it were here and now true: “I now have…”. A clear intention gives the universe permission to get active on your behalf. Imagine your guides and angels receiving your requests and going about the business of creating the synchronistic events that bring them into reality. You can ask your Higher Self to assist you in receiving from the Realms of Light the rays and vibrations needed to manifest these desires.
The more you energize your intentions with your Essence, the more Spirit can join you in the act of creating. Strengthen the power of your intention by speaking from the heart with feeling and animation, infusing your words with your Life Force and enthusiasm. It’s difficult for us to join you in rote recitations of what your mind thinks you need when your heart is not present. The mind negates what it cannot understand, so it may cancel the intention even as it is being spoken. Manifestation is an affair of the heart and of spirit, not of the mind, so lovingly ask it to be still.
You join into the creative nature of the universe even more when you imagine your intention as if it’s already true. For instance, intending a wonderful new home, image enthusiastically walking through it with a friend exclaiming on its beauty and this wonderful feature and that. Joyously comment on how perfectly it matches your needs. Your words, aided by your images, fueled by your heart energy, construct a new reality which you then energetically enter into as if it were true. As you reside in this new reality, even for a moment, your belief adds creative power to your words.
Spirit meets you in this realm of fantasy and turns your imagined future into options along your path. This is when you notice things showing up in your life — meeting someone who has resources you need, a friend or the radio saying exactly the words you need to hear. Perhaps the right person gifts you with their full attention right when you need to think something through, or you feel guided to mention your goal to someone and find they’ve been looking for you.
You may think you have to wrest this new reality from the universe, to demand it or command it. It is really yourself you must command to live so fully in your power, to remember so much that you are one with All That Is, that you allow your abundance, prosperity, fulfillment. Release the isolation, the sense of separation from All That Is, so that Source radiates through all you do. Then you find the resources appear in your path, the contacts show up for you, the connections get made more and more easily. The design is that the resources are on the path when you truly follow your heart.
Spirit guides through the desires of your heart, these desires are the answer to your prayers for guidance. So if you do what you want the most, what you feel compelled from within to do, you are on the path with the most resources. It’s not your job to figure out how to make it all work, that’s the job of God/Goddess, the Spirit that animates this universe. It’s your task to show up, follow your highest truth, move into your authentic nature, and pay attention to the doors Spirit opens for you.
Manifestation may take longer in some areas than others. If it seems sluggish, look at what you intend and be sure its something you want. Spirit has a hard time bringing you something you don’t want or that might harm or diminish you, especially when you also affirm you are guided, guarded and protected at all times. Not much will move until you work through your resistance, either to having it or to asking for what you truly want instead. Look at your fears of success or of visibility, for Spirit does not want to scare you. What would it take for you to enthusiastically embrace what you affirm? Journaling with inner selves or voice dialogue might flush out what blocks you having what you think you want.
Let us speak of this in terms of alternative realities and parallel universes. When you enter into an intention or prayer with a heart-centered presence, offering your spirit into it fully, you begin to bring your desired reality closer to your present reality. With enough intention, they can get close enough to intersect and you can slip from one into the other. Your conscious mind and ego will busily call you back, so you may not stay long. It doesn’t matter how long you stay, simply that you keep creating opportunities for Spirit to bring these two realities into intersection. Eventually, you may step so fully into the intended reality that you take up residence there.
These are phenomenal times. These are the most amazing years, this next decade and a half, times when you can bring into manifestation ways of being you could not have dreamed of before. You’ve chosen to be part of the change force on this planet as she transforms herself. A new species is being evolved here, a species beyond homo sapiens, a species able to function with consciousness of the inner realms all through their earthwalk. As you step into the center of your life and assume the power of a manifestor, you are the new species being birthed on this earth.
Coming together in manifesting circles to share your intentions further empowers them. As you co-create with Spirit, it helps to quicken your energies and break the amnesia so that you may grasp the truth of your true nature and live authentically as the Divine Child. There is only one Being, one Essence of love, and we are all part of this great body of the Source of All That Is. When you remember your divinity, it feels to us like part of our body is awakening and becoming ready to work with the rest of us. All of Spirit wants to say yes to that awakening. It is the joy of us who guide and those who remain in angelic form, to assist you. Namaste.
The Council of Twelve channeled by Evalena Rose
Taking Evolutionary Leaps
So you survived the Grand Cross and Solar Eclipse of August! (An intense astrological configuration in which most planets were squared or opposed to each other forming a grand cross with the sun as it was eclipsed by the sun.) Were you grandly cross these last few months? cranky? challenged by life’s lessons? Have you felt your identity slip as you examine old values? Found it difficult to keep your equilibrium during radical changes in yourself or your family? Needed more sleep yet still felt tired?
When heavenly bodies “square off” and pull against each other from all four sides of the earth, it creates great stresses, strains, and a strong impetus to action, especially for Aquarians, Taureans, Leos, Scorpios and those with major transits in these signs. Coinciding with the eclipse, plus this cusp of a millennium, an age (2000 years) and an aeon (26,000 years), this alignment opened a doorway of cosmic proportions, activating deep transformational changes.
Spirit is maximizing the use of this opening by beaming enormous energies to quicken your growth. These may at times seem difficult to deal with, but if you breathe and meditate enough, get still and surrender enough to step out of the illusion of your life, you will find these rays open pathways on which you can ascend home, at least for brief moments. The less attached you are to your ego identity, the more willing you are to float free of who you know yourself to be, the more likely you are to make evolutionary leaps.
You may have felt great stress building until August 11 and since then, release from old strains and patterns, though the circumstances of your liberation might have been difficult (the maya, the illusion of what is happening). In such a super charged atmosphere, you can literally drop old ways of being and adopt other ways more conducive to remembering you are Divine in a human bodysuit. The opportunities for amazing growth continue through next summer, so request the spiritual support that allows you to utilize these times when the veils are thinner.
In response to your prayers for guidance and spiritual support, the Realms of Light are sending you the rays and vibrations needed to reconstitute yourself more in accordance with your Divine Plan. In the height of the effect of this Grand Cross/eclipse, many felt brief moments of vertigo, a feeling of loss of ground as the organizing point of their personality shifted. You may remember moments when you truly did not know who you were or where you were, times when your personality disorganized and reformulated itself. These may continue.
Your prayer might be “Divine Mother, please hold me closely in your embrace (heart, womb) and recreate me in Thy Likeness. Help me become fully my Authentic Nature. Dissolve and release all that is not me, take my past, my addictions, other people’s energies and programming. Help me release all that blocks the One from moving through my thoughts and words and actions.” Such prayers help you harness these flows of Universal support and evolve toward new levels of awareness and functioning. Expect quantum leaps and ask for them to be gentle, easy, and filled with love. Allow yourself to change beyond where you can predict yourself.
If you don’t already accept that just about everything about you will change as we go through these “end times” and enter the next Age, then we suggest you consider it. These changes are demanding, though much desired, and require more sleep, more rest, more play, though you probably have to wrest yourself away from the “too many things that need to be done”. You must indulge in excellent self care to be able to let go enough to evolve your new nature. Ask for exactly what you want, give feedback to let it come in ways that serve you, set boundaries so you do not let yourself be drained, and surrender when your support and help comes in ways different than you expected.
Such tumultuous times are full of surprises, even for us. Free will always makes more than one future possible, and with so many people in flux, so many choosing to rise or sink, many different futures are possible. Keep visualizing the outcomes you want and vote for them with your actions and your imagination. Clearly and consciously choose that the world ease into the next millennium with changes, yes, but positive ones of increased community and increased awareness of the interconnectedness of all life.
We are with you and together we can draw this Earth through the gateway to a more positive, heart-centered, peace-filled reality. We do so each time one of you accepts the deep internal changes that remove you from the heritage of the invading hoards who eradicated the goddess cultures, and restore you to your former awareness of being Her Child.
You have more support from the Inner Realms that you have tapped and more than you ever will know. Ask for guides and angels from the Radiant Light to help you with any area of your life. Your request will be answered and your progress assisted. We love you. Namaste.
The Council of Twelve, channeled by Evalena Rose
October 2002
Restoring The Sacred Body
This is a meditation for restoring the sacredness of the body.
This meditation is based on the belief that we are really Spirit choosing to experience the world through a body. All our life circumstances, former abuse, and difficulties are part of the divine plan. God/Goddess incarnates as us and uses these painful experiences to fall unconscious, for the joy of unraveling all that “stuff” and discovering Itself again. We sometimes think we should be “done” by now, healing our pasts and our patterns, but Spirit chooses to have enough to unravel to last a lifetime. This meditation is about awakening to Who we Really Are, the unfoldment that happens over and over again.
(You may want to record the words slowly over music so you can listen with your whole being as the tape plays. Leave space between each phrase so you can repeat them to yourself as you listen.)
Begin by relaxing comfortably and take long slow deep breaths. Tune inside and deepen your grounding. Call your energy back from all you’ve been involved with, come into the present moment. Ask for light from the Heart of Source, and see a river of light come from the heart of God/Goddess down through you and around you like a gentle waterfall of light. Bathe in this light and let it cleanse you and restore you.
Breathe, calling your own Essence as a being into your body, for you are Source. As you hear these words, gently stroke your body as if you are rubbing this light into every cell. Allow yourself to fully take up residence in your body and your sexuality and to rededicate your sexuality to its intended sacredness.
I Am Goddess Incarnate
I Am Goddess Incarnate
It is My Light that animates this body
I infuse the Light of My Being into every cell
My true nature is limitless
My body is a holy temple chosen to house my being
This body I touch is the perfect vessel for the lessons
And experiences I choose for this lifetime.
All its curves and fullness or lankiness is intended,
For the Goddess I Am enjoys all manner of flesh
My sexuality is holy, sacred, divine
Filled with My Shining Light
Passion is My divine breath in-filling My body
Love making enraptures my soul, opens my memory to my vastness,
The universe of universes all held in my love
In stillness, I return to my limitlessness
I bless my sexuality, my capacity for divine, impassioned love
I enjoy this means of remembering Who I Truly Am
Goddess Incarnate
I remember in these cells, I bless these cells, this body
I restoreth My Soul
Breathe and relax. Feel the joy of being divine and enjoy your touch and the touch of your breath throughout your body. Allow yourself to stay in this state as long as you wish and come back to waking consciousness when you are ready. You are very loved. Namaste.
The Council of Twelve as channeled through Evalena Rose
July 6, 2002
Evolving Conscious Community
The Earth is going through a great struggle, moving from a paradigm taking its last gasp toward one that emanates more Light. You have choice now of how you wish your personal world to be. Your choices may not be reflected in the traditional media, nor seen by the majority of your neighbors. Yet, by your focus on happiness, peace, joy, fulfillment, oneness, pleasure, love, tolerance, and surrender, you call into being around you a milieu that reflects your prayers and intentions.
We do not imply that you smile through everything, repressing your feelings. To evolve a community of loving souls around you, truly show up in your Authentic Nature and directly share your feelings and desires. The more honest and forthright you are, with grace of skillful communications, the more you benefit from the resources your friends and contacts are. As you reveal your self and ask for what you’d like, you allow others to meet your needs and appreciate you, to give you the gift of seeing you.
An evolving community comes from evolving souls, and the only way anyone keeps evolving is to do spiritual practices regularly. The practices work to keep you in your body and available spiritually, with less ego, for the intimacy offered in contact with another. When one does not meditate, move consciously, exercise, eat well, and get good rest, one is less present for whatever is offered by life.
Presence is about living fully in this moment, this day, this month, this year, calling all the ages and stages of your psyche into the current moment, into this body, into this experience now. When you come fully present, you can be met and filled by God, the One Being. Your body can be the Body of the Goddess, your mind dissolve into Divine Mind, your heart be nurtured by your Father/Mother’s Heart.
Coming present to yourself, deeply resident in your body, fully available to your own senses allows Presence to influence your affairs. It allows the One Being to participate in your choices and decisions. Life has myriad demands, so many we seem to need to multi-task, which can have its own rewards. One must occasionally, however, stop all thought and activity save being with the person presenting their love, or ideas, or sharing their deepest truth with you. Stop, tune in and receive the gifts Spirit is giving you. You’ve prayed for them.
Community naturally evolves around you when you come thus Present. You will find people enjoy being in your field. The rest is showing up where you can reveal your truest nature and be appreciated for it. Some new forms of community want to be birthed on this planet, so seek out others who desire linking consciously and put your heads and hearts together to see what wants to evolve.
Some leaders are evolving the capacity to co-create with you opportunities to be deeply present with each other, such as in tantra communities, sex-positive and relationship oriented gatherings, new thought churches, meditation and healing centers. Support these leaders. Leaders can illuminate stepping stones toward community, but true community arrives when people choose to creatively engage in developing how they live their lives. Let your choices become actions, and your actions harmonize with enough others’ to be effective.
Old metaphysical principle: energy follows attention. If you focus on the dying paradigm that screams through your headlines and mass media, your hope feels battered by despair and your faith engulfed by the terror your leaders engender to justify their actions. In the perfection of “this moment,” place your focus on Light being restored as the organizing principle of Earth. Then you see escalating violence as a signal of how desperately shadow elements are reacting to the demise of their control as they feel Love being reestablished on this planet. The Great Mother is regaining residency here and that which is anti-Love is being eradicated.
You vote for your reality with your prayers and your intentions. Pray not just with words, creators that they are, pray also with actions. Model, with your authenticity, the world you seek to create. Pray through your loving kindness. Offer yourself in spiritual service to support activities and gathering places so you and others can congregate in ways that nurture all of you, and that support doing your spiritual practices. As you model the way you want to live, you find yourself living what you are modeling.
When you don’t know what to do in a situation, pray. “God/Goddess guide my thoughts, my words, my actions.” “Spirit, show up here and create the miracles we need.” Then open to letting Spirit show you the way. Spirit’s way is so much easier than the convoluted way your ego would have you be, the way that moves you into feeling separate and apart from your fellows. Your inner spiritual guidance will lead you toward others, and toward union, if you enter the silence often enough to hear it. It’s designed to be so.
True community, the communion of souls, happens when each person shows up authentically, relaxed and willing for Essence to shine through. Essence qualities draw people with like natures who are ready to play for Real, to become all they can be. Conscious gatherings allow community to evolve. Watch how that happens and be very conservative in placing any rules or structures around what grows until you see what its nature is and how much room it needs. Like a gardener might give space to and carefully nurture a seedling, nurture what organically arises and let it teach you what it wants. Be fluid in your plans for it.
We are with you every step of the way, and, in fact, communities of guides congregate around circles of people who share the same soul heritage. So invite yourself to be aware of our presence and enjoy Presence with all of Us. Blessed Be. We are honored by your attention and receptivity. Namaste!
The Council of Twelve, as channeled through Evalena Rose, March 25, 2002
These words belong to everyone. Feel free to pass them along, copy or use them in any way that serves.
Your Prayers Are Needed
As the days wear on and the futility of war becomes ever more clear, it’s easy to slip into numbness and avoidance of things internal. For many that means forgetting to “make time” for meditation, centering, grounding, practicing positive thought and other helpful spiritual practices, as if they are optional. Spiritual tools must be applied with diligence when the masses engage in hysteria and the world is imbalanced.
Please come on duty. Your Beloved Earth needs you. Gaia is very disturbed at the hate-mongering being created on her surface. You would be too if an equivalent magnitude of toxic energy were released on two sides of your body. She needs to marshal her forces for healing, one being your focused consciousness.
Breathe with Gaia and ask to be aligned with her highest aspects, Gaia in her most exalted form. Call in your Spiritual Family of Light, specifying Beings of Light who love you and work for your highest good. Ask them to help you align with the Heart of the Solar system, the Heart of the Galaxy, the Heart of the Universe, and the Heart of the One Being. Breathe after each request, imagining yourself coming into such alignment, surrendering to allow it to raise your vibration.
You can be God, for you, like us, are The One Being. There is naught else. Let God arrive fully in your cells and fill them with Presence, the Omnipresent Presence that is Us All. Be a radiating center of Light, to whatever degree you can, and watch your capacity to beam Light out to the world grow with practice. One day you may simply melt into God/Goddessness so completely there is only Light.
This is one of the ecstatic practices. Combine it with any ancient art for ecstasy and you amp up the power of what can beam through you. Breath practices, undulatory practices, ecstatic dance, Tantric arts of connection, and sacred touch all increase your capacity to serve as a Point of Light. Practicing ecstatic arts allows you to access your Soul’s 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional qualities and invoking support from loving beings on more exalted planes of existence.
Earth needs daily, almost hourly, infusions of healing Light right now, which your prayers can help draw through from the Devic and Angelic realms, especially when you focus with us, Ascended Masters and Illuminated Souls.
We call for this action to create a groundswell of force stronger than the terrorizing acts and inflated stories perpetrated by militant Islamics as well as the U. S. government and media. They seem to be operating similarly now, both escalating the hysteria of their populace. It looks, energetically, as if bombs have been dropped in the U.S. as well, though more from your own media and “Intelligence Agencies” than from foreign sources. Pray this creates compassion for people of countries which yours has bombed or harmed.
Imagine that energies, which you combine with ours and those of the Highest, infuse the atmosphere of Earth with the Balance needed to restore sanity in those who lead. Command that universal qualities of Balance enter Earth’s vibration and that the Peace that Passes All Understanding be restored to human thought.
Pray that each person behind this winless war, known and unknown, has the spiritual epiphany he or she needs to embrace more effective alternatives aligned with Earth’s good and the heart of God. Pray they receive insights through dreams or hear wise words from others that somehow help them move human his/herstory toward peace and happiness. Ask for transformative guidance for all who perpetuate war.
Like most wars, this one is not about ideology or religion, and hardly about terrorism. How could a country that champions human rights bomb a devastated country and cause millions to starve this winter? Inform yourself by hearing the alternative press and look for ways to make your voice heard. Vote with your attention, urging media to stop feeding terror by teaching us ways we can be harmed. Unhappy, vicious people, such as those who create computer viruses, are being fed new ways to wreck havoc.
Your most important action, however, is to come on duty on a daily basis. If every Lightworker concentrated a half hour a day on helping shift the planet toward the Light, then scores would be on duty at any one time, enough to effect a more positive future. Please, several hours a week, meditate, chant, drum, dance, sing, do art, or make love with a focus of invoking Light to rule the earth and Peace to prevail.
Your planet is at a crucial point of transmutation. Vote for the highest expression of Love on Earth by being an anchor for that love now. Work toward unconditional love everywhere, especially in how you love yourself and others. Many surviving trauma and abuse are completing the important step of saying no to judgmental or unhealthy love from others. Now, extend that to yourself—no longer allow inner voices to diminish you. Love each voice unconditionally and nourish it into a brighter way of serving you.
Violence begins at home and must end at home. When you “fall asleep” or “go unconscious” around spiritual work, notice if the voices trashing you inside increase in strength. When you can’t still the negative voices, meditate, chant, sing, or repeat an affirmation or mantra. Do not add one iota to violence on this earth. When you choose peace and unity instead of discord and “power over”, the effect can be felt.
Every Soul moving into Presence, even briefly, adds power to change the trajectory of your species. We recommend diligent involvement with this transformation, even if doing planetary healing or peace work impacts your schedule. Reset your priorities to include the bigger picture for a few months and leave behind some less essential obligations. Simplify, so you do not just add more stress to an over-filled calendar. Busyness has a numbing edge to it.
We are with you and love you and will assist you every step of the way. Gaia sends Her love, and is pleased to have your ear through us. We are blessed by the gift of your reading this and your showing up for work with us. Join us in Presence. We love you. Namaste.
From: The Council of Twelve channeled through Evalena Rose
November 11, 2001
Feel free to pass this along, copy it for others, use in any way that serves. It belongs to everyone.
Activating World Peace
The Councils of Light greet you as the Hierarchy responds to the multitude of prayers streaming from your globe. Never have so many prayed fervently or so heartfully sang “God Bless America”. Imagine each singing fulfills the song’s original purpose, to unite all states ‘”Under God”. Ask that all nations unite into one world. Thank God that the world community can no longer ignore global problems.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if this were the crisis needed for enough humans to combine intellectual, spiritual, psychic and social resources to direct the course of human evolution toward good? Terrorism is no longer a political or military problem (au contraire, therein lies the cause). It is a social problem, so envision your societies uniting to determine what you will tolerate and what you will not. Imagine great minds from all lands collaborate on where to draw the line and how to rehabilitate those who’ve gone outside the line in their search for love through hate.
You draw the line every time you say no to violence. You draw the line every time you arrest a negative thought midstream and investigate what’s behind that and what’s under that. Your curiosity into shadow feelings lying beneath your hate or anger helps heal the wounds that would make you speak harmfully to yourself or desire harm for another. Dissolve the negative idea by powerfully speaking its opposite.
Ex: When you hear media proliferate chat about biowarfare, emphatically state: “No biological warfare, no chemical warfare, no war or violence on MY planet.” Say, at most, 10 powerful words negating what you refuse to allow to become reality. Then 20 or more words of what you choose instead. “My species lives in peace. I choose peace and invoke the opening of hearts of any who would harm another, that they be turned toward love. I SHALL live on a planet of love and peace and we shall live in safety.”
The One Being does not intervene in human affairs or cause outcomes, feeling no separation from constant love and therefore no need. We of the realms of Light are not attached to outcome either, but we are galvanized into action by tsunamis of prayers. So we petitioned God on your behalf to gain the strongest vision for how to guide this species through its struggle of rebirth. Merging into the Divine for answers, we gained options. Your species can assert its collective Will to influence the future and move into outcomes you find more tasteful and inviting.
Your metamorphosis from homo sapiens to homo noeticus is almost complete. Link with us now, surrender to serve The Highest Plan, and release all doubts, trusting the alchemy of our united hearts to support your emergence. Around the world, Lightworkers are on duty with strong praying, strong visioning, strong speaking and powerful holding of the earth in Light. Join us as we midwife Gaia into her next dimension. Spend time with Spirit so It might write, speak, sing, heal, love, or teach through you. Offer yourself up to anchor solutions, using invocations so only the Highest can work through you.
God’s response to our petition is: each being, through their Godself, can direct the Will of God.
Pray in this fashion, using words of meaning to you. (Adapt any suggestion like this to your own mode.)
I call upon the Divine Will of God, Mother/ Father/ Creatrix of All That Is.
I align my will with Thy Will and ask that you guide our transmutation.
The Goddess/God in me wills peace. My I AM wills Love to guide this species back to Peace.
On behalf of my race, the human race, I call us to the Peace that Passes All Understanding.
Awaken Divine Peace in us, help every heart remember and return to its Authentic Nature.
Goddess/God in me, in all creatures, activate our full human capacity for peace.
I AM Thy Everlasting, Omnipresent Peace. I see Peace in all whom I meet and for whom I pray.
Love rules the earth. Peace reigns Supreme. All is Peace. Blessed Be.
God, fulfill these prayers as it serves the Highest Good of Myself, All Concerned, and the Universe.
So Be It…and So It Is.
Breathe in and become one with Universal Light. Become an anchor by living in a “future” when universal peace reigns. Be a pylon to help this species in its upward climb. Envision a world of peace where those who would terrorize are loved and coaxed and educated into peace. Join our worldwide network of workers for Light and become one who breathes Divine Love into the atmosphere of Earth.
Link with the One Being in empowered prayer so you can access truth at more expanded and expansive levels. Allow your “marching orders”, an intuitive sense of what your role is in this quantum leap, to come from a higher perspective in your Being. Keep giving your Soul and Higher Self permission to guide you, for their broader view allows your best contribution with the least time and energy.
You don’t need to come home to do this work. You are home. You never left. Where would you place outside God? Illusion is the world you see, not your Divine nature. Who would you place outside God? Even the worst perpetrators of hate deserve a chance to come back to their God nature. Let’s pray and vision and dream them back, focusing the power of the praying, the equinox rituals, light spells, and peace vigils on those homo sapiens still needing to awaken to their True Nature.
We have a really good chance of shifting the balance here. Notice the Divine timing of these events spanning the Equinox, a time to stop, balance, consciously choose a new direction. We can join in the very process of Creation here. Become your God/ Goddess within and exercise your Will to serve the highest good, adding, “this or something better”, letting Spirit direct the stage play. Be as God, not needing to control outcome. S/He trusts the outworking of love and love will rule here. Blessed Be.
We love you. Namaste. ~~The Council of Twelve channeled through Evalena Rose
Feel free to pass this along, copy for others, or use in any way that serves. Send your email address to [email protected] to receive future channelings.
The Council of Twelve channeled through Evalena Rose
Sept. 30, 2001
Participating In The Alchemy
The Crucible Of These Times.
We greet you, Lightworkers, with great love and respect for all you are giving to this healing process. Please continue your prayer vigils, candlelight vigils and peace vigils for weeks. Your circles can source Universal Love and Light, offering solace and support to those who severely need it. You may recall times of adversity when you were supported energetically and the feelings of that love helped you bear it.
We, the realms of Light and you, citizens of earth, are in an alchemical process now, a process of great change. What you think and where you give the power of your focus matters a lot now. Stay attuned to Higher Reality and keep coming back to your breath and grounding so you might anchor the Light and Love and Peace that are needed here, not join in the suffering.
Compassion does not always mean collapsing into the pain of others, though with such a horrendous catalyst, deep mourning is natural. The compassionate heart may also transcend the emotions of those suffering to engage the flows of healing energy and love needed to sustain them. Those with the fortune of no direct losses can hold the unified field of love for those who need every ounce of strength they can garner.
Be present in every exchange. You never know which person you link with might desperately need the boost of a caring contact, so take care with every heart you are near. The angst in the air makes people testy and can easily lead to upsets if you let it. Be mindful and name what is happening for what it is, apologize, and ask persons near you for mutual reminders to be kind.
This great pressure cooker you are all in has the power to create deep and abiding changes in your personality if you allow it. We suggest you go about your life as you might go about a spiritual retreat, focusing on the moment and living it with awareness and presence. Not isolating, for the world needs your Light, but choosing carefully where to put your attention so you can be truly present to work the alchemy.
The alchemical energies are strong, so move a bit slower and watch who you are in the world, consciously choosing behaviors that reflect the best you. Meet eye to eye on the street, greet each one, enjoying the diversity that is this species. Be thoughtful to treat people as you wish to be treated, for how we are with each other now sets the stage for many months and years to come.
Each of you must find your own action agenda, be it donating blood or money, working in the peace movement, organizing prayer or discussion circles, or working out your inner violence. All responses are needed and for some the true healing work is that within. Each person who dissolves their last attachment to violence helps to draw forth a reality of peace.
Let the alchemy work. Call in the assistance you need to surrender and let it rework you, hone you to be more authentic and less a reactive ego. Nothing is to be lost except the past and non-essential patterns. Your Essence is Peace. Live there. Come back to peace every time you leave it, be that 100 times an hour or only a few unhappy hours every day or two.
Your thoughts may turn toward violence as the perpetrators of these acts desire, but school them. Call them back to peace and love and forgive all that transpires in your mind, refusing to beat even yourself up. Allow yourself to be transformed and pray your nation and its leaders will be too. Show the way.
We are here with you, guiding your steps, and we are with those departed and those in grief. Feel our presence and join us in Presence. We love you. Namaste.
Guidance from the Council of Twelve, Channeled through Evalena Rose
Sept. 14, 2001
Feel free to pass this along, copy for others, or use in any way that serves.
When Do I Get To Be Healed?
A Treatise for Survivors of Incest and Abuse
You have worked so hard remembering what caused your personality to go astray, healing your past with therapy, releasing it with bodywork. At what point do you say “Enough focus on the past, I am healed!” When do you create a clear presence in the Now, and get on with your life?
Answer: as soon as you declare it so. You needed to pass through valid and real stages of opening to repressed feelings, uncovering unprocessed experiences we call “memories”, and discharging the rage and grief of abuse.
One reaches a point in “doing one’s work” when it’s time to free up resources by moving the focus from what was . . . to now: designing and creating what can be. As healing deepens through time and well-guided inner exploration, the yearning to have a "now" increases. One yearns to live happy now, and can develop the skills to do that. It's a study to undertake.
You become less and less attached to your story each time you retrieve more of your soul from it. Keep calling all of your splintered aspects into your heart, declare yourself healed, and set about creating a life that reflects your Authentic Nature. The building of a strong core self, a wisdom nature that is unshakable by what happens out there, becomes central.
Invoke the Divine in whatever form you perceive it and ask It to recreate you in Its Image so your Essence can take up full residence in your body. Ask It to teach you how to be happy and free.
You no longer need to live “at effect” of your past and what others did. To move on requires giving up the Victim archetype; the very one you came into this life to study. You may feel grief in giving up old coping mechanisms developed to fend off the pain of victim. You may feel vulnerable not using these old, outmoded but familiar ways of constructing your reality. Let these reactions be and they will pass.
You cannot get to a new reality with old thinking. To reach dreams you pray for may require that you give up cherished addictions. Addictions to substances likely fell away long ago; addictions to misery and suffering may be fading. Now release attachments to mind games, old things you tell yourself, ways ego and “little mind” fret and stew and worry. Under stress, notice how your mind sounds like it did years ago, especially when younger, dissociated selves get lost in old fears and anxieties.
Listening to this “small mind” chatter gives it power, and leaves wounded inner kids in charge again, with no adults on duty. Under the duress of possible life-shattering abuse in the past, you learned to dissociate, secrete away, your most precious and unwounded selves.
You are the one who got to grow up to become your adult and evolve your spiritual seeker. As healing progresses, you develop stronger links with Spirit and the capacity to keep such resourceful states present, even in crises. Ground in your strength instead of joining younger splits who are lost in the past. Finally, a wise adult is on duty!
The shift from living out of a child’s coping mechanisms to operating from an adult, rational, compassionate, intuitive personality requires that you give up the dissociative mechanism itself and reside in your here and now. All of you. Use your practices.
Develop zero tolerance for doing it the old way, while compassionately embracing any part of you that seems to need to do so. Consider a regression as cause for reaching out to nurture a part of you that needs love, rather than cause for shame or blame. Each button or trigger then becomes an opportunity to co-parent your inner selves with Spirit, bringing them into current time.
Each little one inside is just doing a job assigned when very young - declare their work a success, all done, and invite them back into your heart. Breathe and receive them into now.
The arms of Divine Mother are always available as are those of Kwan Yin, Christ, Mother Mary, Isis, Yemaya, and many others to assist when parts of you need to be held. Give attention to the part that is reacting, rather than enter into the outmoded reaction. Nurture it and call in a Divine babysitter to hold and coddle it. Assure your inner children you are on duty and can handle life without their help, so they can rest, be loved, and play as children do. Use effects of the past as a signal to draw the reacting part to the present, where you are safe and loved, saving all your energies for functioning here and now.
How do you relate to family of origin now, how be authentic and not play their games? First, notice that people who share your blood may have little else in common with you, and make that ok. Has trying to make them more like you ever worked? Give it up! Give up needing to be understood and seen by those who have no context for you. Really seeing you might threaten their carefully constructed system of denial and activate yearnings that may feel dangerous. Or you may function outside the parameters of their radar screen. Your true kin recognize you, as do We.
Remain sovereign so that your experience is fully within your own power. Seek joy and happiness from how well you hold integrity with your truth and show up in ways you prefer. Thus you are powerful in determining your own reality instead of powerless to change theirs. Resign all jobs of having to understand your family members (taken on to avoid the next abuse) and begin to relate as if you’ve grown accustomed to a new land and are observing the old country through new eyes.
Family isn’t so bad if you need nothing from them. Witnessing them with detachment informs you about your patterns. Occasionally, not often, something you say, or more likely something you model in living your Truth, gets through to someone and for a fleeting moment they join you in your Universe. Settle for these gems of brief contact, knowing by appreciating them you help anchor the experience in the heart of the one you love. Mostly expect nothing, agree to offer nothing unasked, be willing to let everyone just be, and focus on being Who You Really Are. Staying in self-love is the best gift ever.
The way Home is claiming it. Thought creates. “I now live sovereign in my body, I now claim my wholeness, asking Goddess to recreate me in Her Image. Help me integrate my dissociated selves to become the best I can be.” A good exercise: List in your journal qualities about who your abusers see you as being, the ones they inculcated. Then list beside each quality its opposite, which is probably close to the truth of your core self. Look for the positive opposite of each piece of up-side down conditoning and you will describe what is emerging within you.
Sing your Authentic self onto the bones of your transformed nature. Use sound, dance and movement, visualization, drumming and ritual to reveal to your mind’s eye how you’ve evolved in the strengthening process of recovering yourself. Move your eyes into now and paint the pictures of what you’ve created from gathering all your spiritual resources and using them. Feast your eyes on the good before you and let it grow and blossom into a personality capable of fulfillment, satisfaction, and pleasure.
In your sexual centers, breathe yourself into your organs of pleasure and activate your Goddess-given passions. You must know that your perpetrators did all they could to destroy your love of your sexuality, your natural embracing of your passions. Write about the opposite and reclaim your free, erotic, sensual nature, reclaiming the portals from violation to becoming the gates and grand doors of your Temple of Light. Allow the Lover archetype of your Soul to emerge and show you how to be blessed in opening to your own ecstasy, and to sharing it with your chosen partner.
You have earned the right to be called HEALED. Claim it so you can live the life you’ve so carefully reclaimed. We shall walk every step with you if you ask. Your Spiritual Family of Light agreed long ago to be present when you were ready to awaken, to help you emerge from the chrysalis of your recovery process. Let us midwife as you birth your spirit-based life, nurture you as you evolve your visions, and help you learn the surrender that unfolds the Divine Plan. Blessed Be. Namaste’
Channeled from the Council of Twelve by Evalena Rose
June 2001
Evalena Rose, M.A., channels the Council of Twelve, bringing through messages from Ascended Masters and goddess archetypes to support Earth’s healing in these amazing and troubled times. She is available for individual readings in Asheville. NC and worldwide online. She has evolved spiritually-based therapy and multi-dimensional healing over 43 years of practice.
Aligning With Your True Values
These are potent times. Imagine the power of having all 7 visible planets entering 1/12th of the sky as they do during May. These 7 make what astrologers call a hard, lesson-driving aspect to Aquarius (squares the line up in Taurus). This grand alignment is the initiation of a score of years wherein values will be reworked, individually and locally as well as globally.
Expect just about everything you believe and profess to come into question in the weeks that lead up to summer solstice. Taurus rules money, earthly affairs and the ways you relate to…money, sex, love, your work, others, family, your body, you name it. Don’t try holding on to old ways or perceptions for your world view is changing and you can’t stop it. But try to tell that to Taurus, the 30 degree arc of the sky symbolized by the stubborn bull.
Taurus prefers being rooted and wants stability, but ask yourself what have you rooted in. Before you defend your attachments and old ways of handling life, check to see if they are outmoded. Do your characteristic responses and coping mechanisms get you where you want to go? Or do they impede your progress, perhaps by roughing up the relationships you need to have working for you, or by creating extra problems or detours that sap your strength and power.
If behaviors work, keep them, if they don’t, discard them and start again. Most of those coping mechanisms were invented by a young, frightened you in a time when your care taking adults were somehow incompetent, perhaps even harmful. You learned to defend and protect, possibly to be ever vigilant to deflect the next attack. Your adult, 21st Century self can find better ways to handle life than could this scared child.
You have visited, perhaps learned to love the Inner Child, or children if dissociation was necessary; now learn to guide them. Children need to hear often that a caring adult is on duty, responsible for their safety and guiding the personality so they don’t have to. The nature of trauma is that the psyche hides away its purest essence so it doesn’t get destroyed. The ones who who stay and take the abuse are the hurt kids of today. The essence grows up to be the adult and hopefully learns to meditate, heal, and grow in strength and self esteem.
Now you—that essence so precious it had to be saved at all costs—are returning to “rescue” and restore the ones who took the wounds. Stop blaming or mistrusting them and make a cradle of love for them in your heart, tucking them into Divine Mother’s arms. Imagine you are helping each split create a sacred room there, just as they’d like it, and ask angels, goddesses, and Ascended Masters to hold and heal them and you.
This is an ideal time to release the past that no longer serves you, to let loose your tribal bonds and enter into your true nature. The energies of the alignment will both pull you back and propel you forward. It’s a tough ride, but like a great roller coaster, the highs are worth the scary drops, sudden turns and jerks that take you in a different direction than the way you thought you were going.
You have to keep releasing any attachment to what is happening and not take these energies of radical change too personally. Easy for us to say! Attachment causes suffering and if you get attached to your image, or your ego gets invested in how you’re received or what you deserve, you will suffer. The Universe will inexplicably draw you right into the exact situations and experiences that challenge you wherever you have chosen to invent yourself rather than trust your unfoldment. Use these energies to let go and let the ride happen, and you will unleash your Authentic Nature.
Great quantum leaps are possible with most of the sky available to propel you in the direction that best represents your highest values around how you earn your money and relate to the physical world. Pray thoroughly and listen carefully to your intuition and guidance, always willing to let loose the ballast of dysfunctional beliefs. Let that aspect of you anchored in Spirit guide the direction so it takes you into higher dimensions of yourself. Dimensional shifts are possible now, as more of the 4th dimension opens to be inhabited by incarnated souls.
Taurus loves touch, snuggles, hugs and sensual contact. Ask for hugs and support from friends, family, social and growth circles. Join in rituals and enjoy the intimacy they bring, especially earth based rituals and celebrations. Welcome in the new as a birthing is happening here, one you’ve long awaited and want to have happen. A blessing of more You in your body.
We of the Ascended Realms are fully on duty and assisting, in a personal way, the more you personally request it. Call in your guidance these days by the name of the archetype, god, goddess, or Ascended One you desire. We come as you beckon and miracles await our work together. Blessed Be.
The Council of Twelve channeled by Evalena Rose
May 2000
A Very Pregnant Gaia Speaks
Mother Earth at the Millennium, channeled through The Council of Twelve
I am honored to be allowed to reach you through this woman who has been carefully prepared as a vessel for 15 years, multiple lifetimes, and within multiple dimensions. I wish to speak to you humans of my love and my compassion for all you are going through as a species in mutation.
You molt now, like any species that transmutes mid stream. You are like a snake shedding its skin, a caterpillar who becomes strong enough to be a butterfly by freeing itself of the self-imposed prison of its chrysalis. You are the river water which becomes the rainbow when it leaps high enough and catches the light. Leap high, dear one. Go for the gold.
We are in full transmutation now. You, who can hear the sound of my Love through these words, know you are changing irreversibly. You emerge “homo noeticus”, words coined to describe this species with all means of knowing open and functional. Your psyche is waking up to skills long lost, skills of the exalted civilizations, high beings who functioned in pockets here and there on my surface. Now huge numbers of you are maturing worldwide, simultaneously, and the global psyche is linking up. I feel pregnant with new life.
It feels very good. I suspect your nearest comparison would be how your skin tingles after bathing in my mud, soaking in my mineral waters, or feeling my kundalini flow through your orgasms. So many of you meditate on peace, harmony and love that the new realities you call become possible. Every day the realms of Light and I see new options emerge where there seemed none.
You must hold fast to the truth now of peace breaking out all over the world. Do not let any news or the dribble of your press cause you to believe in violence. To move through this gateway, we must dissolve all belief in the violent aspects of your species. Quit voting for them with your attention, whether in reading news, watching TV, seeing movies with vulgarity or brutality, or listening to music with destructive lyrics. Pray a different vision of your nature into existence, and release all fears of what “they” are doing.
Enough unconsciousness! It is boring us all to death, including most of you. All I/We need is for enough of you to wake up to the power of your thoughts and images and commit to holding only those you would wish to vote for. I know these days of rapid fire changes are difficult and quite damaging to the ego’s illusionary control of your life. I care about these effects and would wish, along with the Councils of Light, to make this transition smoother and easier for you.
The planetary councils and our Inner Plane Guardians have worked long and hard to devise a way to assist you through this transition without having me or you self-destruct. This is about as easy and slow as we can make it, considering the pressure of the mounting potential for pollution or weapons to erase the viability of my surface to sustain your life force. I do not intend to suicide, nor allow my carefully wrought creations of plants, mineral, and animals to be lost through mankind’s selfishness and greed, but I wish to retain your presence as well.
Most alternatives to deep intra-psychic change make for uglier experiences and none bring what you developing ones pray for. I prefer you shift from within through healing, though I know it means you must dump your pasts in fast order here. It no long matters what abuse or neglect made you like you are, it just matters that you change your dysfunctional patterns, and that you change them now. Don’t make me change them for you through disaster or catastrophe, both great teachers, but decidedly unpleasant.
Ask as Sophia does in her lovely song to me:
“May the warriors find peace within, and the wars of the nations end,
“May the warriors find peace within, so the healing of the earth can begin.
“Spirit, fire, earth and sea: Open my heart and enter me”
~ Sophia, Prayer for the Warriors
Let us work together as I know where we are going and your prayers guide us there. Do not be concerned about how fast or visible your changes seem. You may not always know you’re progressing, may feel your gains slipping away, and those may be exactly the times you are digging deeper to release the next core piece that keeps you from living your essence.
Be patient and trust that as long as you aim at the light, your trajectory will always be forward. The “setbacks” are natural reactivity from the ego and can be seen as the natural ebb that follows your flow forward, as the waves of change gather for another run at the shore. Continual waves over years can wear a mountain into sand. Simply allow yourself to be chiseled on enough by the cross-currents of the planets and heavenly forces to emerge triumphant, radically more adapted to a life of true peace.
Surely you are not so happy with your trauma-induced adaptations and coping mechanisms that you wish to hold on to them. Surely you wish not to retain judgmentalism, your critic nature, your bigotry or murderous rage, and yet you watch people through the media who’ve mastered these as if they warrant your attention. Watch only that which inspires more exalted expressions of life, not lesser; that which relaxes, nourishes and educates. Put your listening time into artists of words and music that speak truths that nurture your Soul. Time to the gateway is short. Let your use of each moment be your vote for reality. Each vote counts now.
I’m excited to sense that many of you will hear me and understand that we are inextricably bound together in a deep change process. I need your steadiness and your constant request for a reality that feels like paradise regained. Your prayers convince your own mind to let Universal Mind guide it to live in ecological balance with all of life. Enough humans living thus shifts the Zeitgeist and others follow.
My love for you is stronger than you might know. It exceeds all bounds as does that of GodGoddessOne for we are all S/He. Talk to me often and listen to my reply through nature. I talk to a lot of you, yet its hard to hold your attention. When you see synchronicity, take time to ask its meaning, and to let it change you. As we are all One, we touch each other where we interface. For us that means through sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Let me teach you through the input of your senses as they receive in physicality what I send energetically.
We are pregnant with our new selves, you and I. We are in gestation of a paradigm much more sustainable and pleasant. Throw off the expulsion from the garden in your myths and realize you are living in its midst, and only your lack of belief in Spirit’s nature makes you struggle so hard to go nowhere when you have already arrived. Relax, breathe, and take time to plant the flowers. Blessed Be.
By Evalena Rose October 1999
Invite Your Next Level Evolution
I hope you support your heart in working with the ever-expanding demands for transmuting your life. The growth required now is phenomenal as the species recreates itself. Few are untouched as they or loved ones battle critical illnesses, recuperate from crushing blows of some sort, or discover the need to redefine major areas of their life. Spirit is holding steady with you as you move through this white water of life and learn how to negotiate the new channels of the paradigm that is emerging.
At last December’s solstice, the full moon was fully eclipsed by the sun, the darkest night in 400 years. Spiritually sensitive people have been affected by this darkness all winter. Perhaps your higher intuitive abilities and coping skills felt obliterated right at a time when you needed them to negotiate deep water. Perhaps buried needs, wounds or desires are surfacing. Now with the advent of spring, you, like Inanna, are returning to life and sprouting new growth
Your river of life is still white water, however, with rapids approaching. Call much upon Spirit as we move through these narrow straits, and pray praying to release all that impedes your flow, so you can move quickly downstream. Alone you may get caught in the pools or eddies of negative thinking. The mind tries very hard to save you when it feels the chaos of change, but is incapable of guiding you where you’ve not gone before. Release the mind and let your intuitive nature guide you,
Human nature has never been here before, and new possibilities are being exposed by the hard work of you Light Workers, so it’s harder to read your future. Don’t expect your miracles all at once, but know they will come in the flows of the next three months. Call upon your authentic Nature to show up in this incarnation, which becomes more possible as we near the summer solstice.
Let yourself be cooked in the cauldron of this time. Allow yourself to be burned in the fire of your transformation and become the phoenix rising from the ashes of your former personality, capable of carrying a higher vibration of your Soul into your life. Negative thinking has become a luxury you cannot afford and must be seen for what it is, a coping mechanism to help you cope with an incomprehensible situation in your childhood, a child’s way to adapt to avoid more hurt.
How do you stop the negativity? Remove yourself from your mind. Meditate, chant, yell, sing, dance, do yoga, or drown out your mind with repetitive statements or mantras. All the great spiritual paths center on these practices, for true growth comes from the emotional body releasing the past and the spiritual body opening to a bigger reality. Many of you, under heavy stress, revert to old childish ways of leaving your body and hiding behind your intellect. Your mind runs constantly, but without the guidance system the Creator put in your emotions, or the intuitive understanding ever present when you are open to your spirit.
If the changes seem too fast, ask your personal guides and angels (always specify “those of the highest Light, in alignment with Divine Will and Purpose only”) to slow it down a bit, and adjust the events of your life to a pace that allows you to learn your lessons with more ease and comfort. You might also ask to be aligned with the highest vibrations in your Being, with your Higher Self, with your Soul’s purpose and with Source.
This prayer can create wonderful feelings of being a part of the One Being, of floating in universal love, if you accompany it with lots of deep belly breathing and full awareness. Changes are easiest when you are grounded, fully breathed into your body, focusing on each moment and only that present moment, and open to Divine Intervention. This allows your physical body to be a vessel for your spirit while your “gut”, your emotional body center, lets you know what you want and need.
Your world moves ever faster with the burst of unlimited knowledge and resources through the Internet, which practically makes the public library resident in your home (without the card catalog). It can be disconcerting to have abundant answers at your fingertips without abundant time to access them. From where would you borrow the hours for adding email, web surfing, and building web sites to an already busy life? These resources make it possible to pursue your dreams more fully and can enrich life, but one must daily stop seeking and enjoy the “now” of living.
With so many demanding options, one must learn to choose carefully which receive your energy. Let your question every hour be: “What is the most important use of my time right now?” And your prayer “God/Goddess, guide me to do that which is most essential and serves the highest good right now, and easily release all that is unnecessary or not helpful”. Where you were able to implement perhaps 60 or 70 % of all your great ideas before, you may only get around to 20 or 30% now.
Goddess instilled the full range of emotions in your body for many purposes, including for the feedback emotions give to guide you in your process of evolution. If you don’t allow the lows (hurt, anger, sadness, grief, pain), you won’t have access to your highs (ecstasy, bliss, happiness, joy, and passion). Understand, you are an “innocent” releasing what was not your fault from a family acting out their unhealed places, passed on to them by other innocents twisted by lack of knowledgeable caretakers.
Give up the shame and self-guilt and blame for having these outdated coping mechanisms and offer them, and these useless feelings, into the cauldron, asking they be removed. Invite Goddess to recreate you in Her Likeness, with full self-love and unconditional acceptance of yourself. Forgive yourself for your apparent sins, which were simply mistakes covered with self-criticism. You wouldn’t be doing what you’re doing if you didn’t want to tackle new challenges, so don’t expect to be an expert in new waters.
We are with you, more beings of amazing Light than you could know, to help guide you on out the other end of these rapids and into calmer waters where you may rest and enjoy the flow. Blessings to you and yours. Namaste.
by Mary Magdalen, channeled through Evalena Rose
Jan 1997
God Save Us From Our Coping Mechanisms
Greetings from the Councils of Light. We see clear themes in the deeply transformative processes so many of you are experiencing. One theme is the release of patterns developed in childhood to cope with dysfunctional, chaotic, and confusing home situations. Your coping mechanisms, necessary to help you survive the unconsciousness of your childhood, are hardly adaptive in your increasingly conscious adult life.
We speak here of your “automatic” reactions to things. Perhaps you defend without hearing what is really being said, you feel hurt or scared as your past gets triggered and you act from that feeling, you lash out or disappear because you have always done so in this type of scene.
Think of it. How can ways of handling stress developed by a child with little or no guidance possibly be better than what you and Spirit can think up today. “God/ Goddess save me from my own coping mechanisms”, might be your prayer. “Help me move beyond reacting as if every person were my abusive father or my abandoning mother.”
Its hard to let some of these designs go, these old friends who have saved you. After all you devoted a lot of energy and life force to their creation when you had to build your defenses strong and make thick your barriers to invasion, engulfment, and unhealthy intimacy. It took years and years to perfect ways to keep from being affected by the inconsistent loving and sometimes abusive treatment from your parents, teachers and community.
You cannot cope with the present as you coped with the past and get anything different than what you’ve gotten before. Unless you look with fresh eyes, your mind will make “now” look like then. Once you remember, truly re-member yourself as Goddess created you, the Divine Child (is there any other?), you are ready to kick the habits of your coping mechanisms.
Your mind unfolds your “reality” moment to moment by putting meaning on the images and impressions you see and feel. Meditation and spiritual work help you get out of your mind and come to your senses. You may find the world not looking exactly as you projected to.
As you get busy (who isn’t now with all your “labor-saving devices”!), your mind gets lazy. You begin to guess at what the world offers you and react to stimuli as if they were familiar. Under stress you may react to people as if they were someone from your past, and under great stress, your mind makes you believe they are the same. “You don’t just seem like my mother, you act like her, you think like her. You are her!” Yes, in your mind, she is, therefore she shows up that way to you.
The spiritual task, a quest on which we’d like to send you, is to take enough time to focus your attention on the eyes and heart of the person in your now and let in what is really happening this moment. See what is, breathe with it, not what your egoic mind makes you think is happening so you can run the same old reaction as always, your coping mechanism.
Be diligent to look with fresh vision at what each current moment offers you, as if you haven’t seen anything like it before. The ego wants to fit the situation, if your are under stress especially so, to what it understands so that it can have a fast and predictable reaction. Invite your higher essence nature present and give it the reins. It may well have more adaptive and effective ways of responding (not reacting) to your world.
You know how to do this. All the tools have been given. Meditation, yoga or stretching, exercise, chanting, ritual, lighting candles and smudge, setting altars, journaling, changing self-talk, affirmations, manifesting intentions, prayer, channeling, inner child work, writing, singing, dancing, laughing, playing, communing with nature, conscious love-making, eating healthfully. Many paths up the mountain. The practices work if you work the practices.
Don’t even try to make your life all you want it to be if you don’t do at least 7 of the above practices. Its like trying to go upstream without a paddle. Consider you need to regularly use at least enough of these tools to give you two paddles, a rudder, a mast, a sail or two. The more you add to your self-care regime, the bigger your conveyance down the river of change toward full consciousness and enlightenment.
Your destiny is in your own hands. The more of each day you devote to thinking, working, eating, moving, and feeling consciously, the more aware and alive you become, and the easier your life becomes. Once you transcend the tyranny of your little mind, the prisons your ancient fears create and the coping behaviors they spawn, you can choose to create a life that nurtures your spirit and feeds your soul.
Eventually, you grow enough that what family thinks of you, even what they tell you is true, is no longer any of your business. You no longer need to change them or how they feel about you to be ok. You no longer reference them to determine how you feel about yourself or how you show up in the world. You realize happiness is an inside job and you finally get acquainted with your Authentic Nature..
Be thoughtful to avoid the traps of entertainment toys and high technology tools. Though we come to you through technology which has its Spirit-filled uses, we warn against letting it so fill your life with options that there is no time left to live it. Like all good and mood-altering things, these can be used to excess, even to addictive and life-damaging proportions.
Claim, against all agendas and busy tasks your little mind calls up to distract you, enough of life to enjoy being in a body. Pleasure is one of the reasons to incarnate–get a lot of it.
Rest and recuperation must be reclaimed. A Sabbath once a week was written into the “rules” for this Universe because being human is so exhausting, one’s spirit needs to rest from it by parking the body somewhere and flying off in fantasy or dreams on a regular basis. The spirit needs dream time. When you go, go, go without stopping, there’s no renewal for this highest aspect of yourself.
Overwork is a coping mechanism, so are overeating, overthinking, oversexing, overexercising, overtalking. You need only reclaim your power to choose. Some say “I can’t help acting this way, my so and so treated me in such and such a way, and I’m just like this.” We assure you. You are not like this, not You whom Spirit created.
Your mind makes it up that you are helpless to change this, but you are not. You have the power to make life be as you wish it. You must simply disbelieve your mind and invoke your true mother, Divine Mother, to recreate you in Her Image.
In Her Image, created She them. This phrase is to teach you that all of life is made up, imaged in the mind of the Creatrix, as you are. Image your life well as the creator god you are. It is as you make it to be.
Namaste, The Councils of Light.
Channeled from the Council of Twelve by Evalena Rose
Stream Of Guided Wisdom
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