The Council Of Twelve and I welcome you to an experience of channeling. Enjoy a heart-filled audience with Light Beings whose wisdom supports your decision-making and sovereignty.

Guides apply a laser-like focus to help you think through issues, solutions, & lessons learned.  Outmoded beliefs are replaced with an enhanced sense of self.  Guidance is practical and potent.
The Council’s version of Soul Retrieval vastly facilitates recovery from trauma as it brings all of a person’s Soul Essence into now, quickly, with love. Energies of others are removed.

Read The Council’s explanation here.

Honored to share with you these clear, radiant guides and angels.

Channeled Business Guidance

The Council Of Twelve creates your own trusted Board Of Advisors, here to help you build and sustain clear leadership, skillful communication, and healthy influence for a successful, sustainable business.

Channeled Personal Guidance

Heart-centered audiences with Spirit to deepen intimacy and clear conflicts for individuals, couples, and interplanetary work. Together we'll clear wounds from the past for a more prosperous and fulfilling life experience.

Soul Retrieval 


This process involves the grounded adult and Divine Mother intervening in past traumas, inviting child selves into the present. Embracing all soul fragments reduces trauma's effects.


The Council of Twelve

The Council is an ancient Council of the White Brotherhood of Light (Rainbow Family of Light) 
has served our planet for eons. It includes many Light Beings such as Melchizedek, Babaji, Christ, Mary Magdalen, Quan Yin, St. Germain, Metatron, Aphrodite.  The work is supported by angels and Archangels, especially Michael. 

Goddess Kali facilitates clearings of past trauma, other lifetimes or dark energies. Divine Mother is invoked in deep healing and inner child work.

If the needs of those seeking guidance warrants, The Council will bring in other guides with expertise in the areas needed.

Soul Retrieval

Since time is an illusion, it’s possible to intervene at the scene of an injury, even one decades ago.  The grounded adult and Divine Mother step into a critical scene where a child self is “caught in time,” gains some trust, and lovingly invites them into current time. Divine Mother works the miracle of bringing the child self through space and time into a room the angels create in the adult’s heart. 

As each fragment comes into now and releases its roots in the past, the core of the person grows stronger . . . shaky foundations become more solid and reliable.

Trauma and injury occur in this third dimension.  The degree to which you still suffer relates to how much of you is caught in the shock of the past events. Suffering diminishes when all parts, all soul fragments, are embraced in "now" in the heart of the core personality.  in the case of pervasive, continual abuse, mother goddesses can retrieve your soul essence from conception on.

Channeling Sessions May Include:

  • Private audiences with Evalena Rose and The Council Of Twelve
  • Soul Retrieval work
  • Healing childhood wounds
  • Releasing outmoded coping systems
  • Exploring Intimacy issues
  • Dissolving past life influences
  • Clearing intrusive energies
  • Upleveling Soul Contracts
  • Clearing trauma from DNA
  • Access to exalted Star Nations
  • Audio recording sent to you
  • And more!


In-Person or Online


In-Person or Online


In-Person or Online