Register for the Satsang here!

This gathering is hosted in Evalena's beautiful Asheville home.
Location details provided after registration. 

 Select your donation of choice

Sliding Scale $0 - $35
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Sitting with the Divine
Monthly Satsang

Satsang gatherings are "encounters with truth"
Wisdom seekers explore the mysteries within & beyond.
The Council opens with guidance for the collective, then responds to inquiries from those attending. Healings occur and tools are shared that deeply inspire and fulfill.
Sitting with the Divine Satsang is a sacred gathering of like-minded, uplifting people ready to explore wisdom that elevates consciousness.  Satsangs dissolve separation as the inter-connectivity of all beings becomes apparent.

New portals open at each Satsang as you enjoy direct access to the Ascended Masters and Evalena's decades-long wisdom teachings.

Channeled Guidance

Receive profound insights and wisdom through Evalena as she channels the Council of Twelve, offering clarity and support on your spiritual journey.

Spontaneous Healings

Experience powerful, unexpected healing moments that arise during our gatherings, transforming your energy and well-being.

Community of Healers

Connect with a like-minded circle of healers and spiritual seekers, fostering deep bonds in a supportive, loving community.

Satsang with Evalena and The Council of Twelve

In-Person Event in Asheville, NC
Sundays Once a Month

3:30 - 6:30pm EDT
$35 for pre-registration & $40 day of the event
Arrive by 3:30, potluck at 6:30
We co-create a loving audience with Spirit as Evalena channels the Ascended Masters who address your inquiries and share gems gleaned from her 44 years as a healing practitioner and spiritual seeker.


The Council of Twelve channels profound wisdom through Evalena’s voice, offering skilled guidance tailored to your life and path. They may also bring in expert guides to provide unparalleled support for your deepest inquiries.


Guidance is practical, timely, and deeply inspirational!
Soaring into Light together. All sincere seekers welcome! 


The Council of Twelve

The Council is an ancient Council of the White Brotherhood of Light (Rainbow Family of Light) 
has served our planet for eons. It includes many Light Beings such as Melchizedek, Babaji, Christ, Mary Magdalen, Quan Yin, St. Germain, Metatron, Aphrodite.  The work is supported by angels and Archangels, especially Michael. 

Goddess Kali facilitates clearings of past trauma, other lifetimes or dark energies. Divine Mother is invoked in deep healing and inner child work.

If the needs of those seeking guidance warrants, The Council will bring in other guides with expertise in the areas needed.