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Femifesting Meditations

Ready to Live the Life Of Your Dreams?

Each 30 minute guided meditation helps you work with your most actualized Future Self to witness your cherished goals fulfilled.

Spirit will connect you with reality in a parallel universe, a higher dimension of your Soul's expression. Sitting in this way more satisfying future sets an anchor that helps bring your life to it.

Paradigm shifts will happen!

  • Map out the path to the life you want.

  • Release dysfunctional patterns and behaviors.

  • Anchor into the consciousness of your Future Self in order to resolve current blocks.

10 guided Femifesting meditations:

1. Radiant Health and Vital Well-Being, Moving Beyond Health Challenges

2. Evolving a Wealthy Life that Generates Prosperity and Abundance

3. Understanding Your Life Purpose

4. Succeeding in the Career of Your Dreams

5. Sustaining Healthy Relationships in All of Life

6. Satisfying and Lasting Love and Intimacy

7. Activating Your Spiritual Evolution

8. Creating a Balanced Life with Leisure and Play

9. Developing a Life of Travel and World Citizenship

10. Enjoying a Peaceful Home in which All Flourish

* Bonus – Instruction audio for getting the most out of each meditation