The Council of Twelve

The Council of Twelve is an ancient Council of the White Brotherhood of Light (I like: Rainbow Family of Light) that has served our planet for eons. It includes many Light Beings such as Melchizedek, Babaji, Christ, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, St. Germain, Metatron, Aphrodite, attended by angels and Archangels.

Goddess Kali facilitates clearings of past trauma, other lifetimes, or dark energies. Divine Mother is invoked for deep release of patterns and for inner child work.  So healing!

The Council may bring in other guides with the special expertise needed by those with inquiries.  People say The Council is warm-hearted, compassionate, and pragmatic.

Quantum healing occurs!

Discover the healing powers of these divine beings, each offering profound gifts to transform your spiritual journey.

Highlighted here are just a few of the divine beings
~ Numerous others are available to support and guide you. ~


Babaji offers timeless teachings and guidance on all aspects of life and on achieving spiritual mastery.

Melchizedek provides profound spiritual wisdom, helping seekers access higher states of consciousness.

Christ brings deep healing through unconditional love and forgiveness, fostering inner peace and compassion.

Mary Magdalene aids in emotional healing and empowerment, especially in reclaiming one's sacred feminine energy.

Quan Yin embodies compassion and mercy, providing solace and healing for emotional wounds and traumas.

St. Germain uses the Violet Flame to transmute negative energies and karma, promoting spiritual transformation.

Metatron offers powerful healing by balancing and aligning one's energy bodies, facilitating ascension and spiritual growth.

Aphrodite promotes healing in relationships and self-love, helping people embrace their true beauty and worth.

Archangel Michael provides protection and strength, cutting through fears and negative attachments to restore one's inner power.

Codes for New Humanity

Seven two-hour quantum healing sessions, created by The Councils of Light, who work through 14 teams of radiant guides and angels to provide deep healing and transformative spiritual upgrades.
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